Short CV Press Information Papers by Year Presentations PDF CV (November 2024)
Jesse Diaz Thaler
Research in Theoretical Particle Physics
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, January 2010-Present
- Professor of Physics, July 2021-Present
- Associate Professor of Physics with Tenure, May 2017-July 2021
- Associate Professor of Physics, July 2015-May 2017
- Class of 1943 Career Development Professor, July 2012-July 2015
- Assistant Professor of Physics, January 2010-July 2015
- NSF Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Interactions (IAIFI), Director, August 2020-Present
- MIT Center for Theoretical Physics (CTP), January 2010-Present
- MIT Laboratory for Nuclear Science (LNS), January 2010-Present
- MIT Statistics and Data Science Center (SDSC), January 2020-Present
- MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS), January 2020-Present
- Harvard Center for the Fundamental Laws of Nature, Simons Fellow in Theoretical Physics, September 2018-August 2019
- Boston University High Energy Theory Group, Visiting Researcher, June 2017-August 2017
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, July 2009-December 2009
- Physicist Postdoctoral Fellow, Theoretical Physics Group
- University of California, Berkeley, July 2006-June 2009
- Miller Research Fellow, Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science
- Harvard University, Fall 2002-Spring 2006
- Ph.D. Physics, “Symmetry Breaking at the Energy Frontier”, June 2006
- A.M. Physics, June 2004
- Advisor: Nima Arkani-Hamed
- Brown University, Fall 1998-Spring 2002
- Sc.B. Math/Physics, May 2002
- Advisor: Antal Jevicki
- Phillips Exeter Academy, Fall 1994-Spring 1998
Awards & Fellowships
- APS Fellow, American Physical Society, 2022
- Simons Investigator in Physics, Simons Foundation, 2022-2027
- Fermilab Distinguished Scholar, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, 2018-2020
- Simons Fellowship in Theoretical Physics, Simons Foundation, 2018
- Frank E. Perkins Award for Excellence in Graduate Advising, MIT, 2017
- Harold E. Edgerton Faculty Achievement Award, MIT, 2016
- Buechner Faculty Award for Teaching, MIT Physics Department, 2014
- Buechner Faculty Award for Undergraduate Advising, MIT Physics Department, 2013
- Sloan Research Fellowship, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, 2013
- Kavli Frontiers Fellow, Kavli Foundation, 2012
- Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, White House, 2012
- Class of 1943 Career Development Professorship, MIT, 2012-2015
- Early Career Research Award, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, 2011-2016
- Miller Research Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley, 2006-2009
- Giorgio Gamberini Dissertation Prize, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, 2007
- Merit Fellowship, Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences, 2006
- Goldhaber Prize, Harvard Physics Department, 2005
- Certificate of Distinction for Excellence in Teaching, Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences, 2005
- Graduate Research Fellowship, National Science Foundation, 2002-2005
- Apker Award Finalist, American Physical Society, 2002
- Magna Cum Laude, Brown University, 2002
- Sigma Xi, Brown University, 2002
- Lindsey Prize in Physics, Brown University, 2002
- Phi Beta Kappa, Brown University, 2001
- Undergraduate Teaching and Research Fellowship, Brown University, Summer 2001
- Cox Medal, Phillips Exeter Academy, 1998
- Cum Laude Society, Phillips Exeter Academy, 1997
Research Group Joining My Group
Postdoctoral Researchers
- So Chigusa, CTP Postdoctoral Researcher, Fall 2024-Spring 2027
- Before MIT: Tokyo (PhD), KEK (Postdoc), LBNL (Postdoc)
- Kyle Lee, CTP Postdoctoral Researcher, Fall 2022-Spring 2025
- Before MIT: Stony Brook (PhD), LBNL (Postdoc)
- Cari Cesarotti, CTP Postdoctoral Researcher, Fall 2022-Spring 2025
- J.J. and Noriko Sakurai Dissertation Award, American Physical Society, 2023
- Science 30 Under 30, Forbes, 2024
- Leona Woods Distinguished Postdoctoral Lectureship, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 2024
- Before MIT: Harvard (PhD)
- Sokratis Trifinopoulos, Postdoc.Mobility Fellow, Fall 2022-Spring 2024; CTP Postdoctoral Researcher, Spring 2024-Spring 2025
- Before MIT: Zurich (PhD), SISSA (Postdoc)
- Siddharth Mishra-Sharma, IAIFI Fellow, Fall 2021-Spring 2024
- Before MIT: Princeton (PhD), NYU (Postdoc)
- After MIT: Member of Technical Staff, Anthropic
- Currently: Assistant Professor, Boston U.
- Lena Funcke, CTP Postdoctoral Researcher, Fall 2021-Fall 2022
- Before MIT: MPP and LMU Munich (PhD), Perimeter Institute (Postdoc)
- After MIT: Assistant Professor, U. Bonn
- Katelin Schutz, Pappalardo Fellow, Fall 2019-Fall 2020; NASA Einstein Fellow, Spring 2021
- Before MIT: U.C. Berkeley (PhD)
- After MIT: Assistant Professor, Canada Research Chair, McGill
- Pouya Asadi, CTP Postdoctoral Researcher, Fall 2019-Spring 2022
- Before MIT: Rutgers (PhD)
- After MIT: Postdoctoral Researcher, U. Oregon
- Bernhard Mistlberger, Pappalardo Fellow, Fall 2018-Spring 2020
- Before MIT: ETH Zurich (PhD), CERN (Postdoc)
- After MIT: Associate Staff Scientist, SLAC
- Currently: Staff Scientist, SLAC
- Frédéric Dreyer, Early Postdoc.Mobility Fellow, Fall 2016-Spring 2018
- Before MIT: Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (PhD)
- After MIT: Postdoctoral Researcher, Oxford
- Currently: Senior Machine Learning Scientist, Prescient Design
- Yotam Soreq, Rothschild Fellow, Fall 2015-Spring 2018
- Before MIT: Weizmann Institute of Science (PhD)
- After MIT: Postdoctoral Researcher, CERN
- Currently: Associate Professor, Technion
- Benjamin Safdi, Pappalardo Fellow, Fall 2014-Spring 2017
- Before MIT: Princeton (PhD)
- After MIT: Assistant Professor, U. Michigan
- Currently: Associate Professor, U.C. Berkeley
- Wei Xue, CTP Postdoctoral Researcher, Fall 2014-Spring 2017
- Before MIT: McGill (PhD), INFN/SISSA (Postdoc)
- After MIT: Postdoctoral Fellow, CERN
- Currently: Assistant Professor, U. Florida
- Simone Marzani, LHC Theory Initiative Postdoctoral Fellow, Fall 2014-Spring 2015
- Before MIT: Edinburgh (PhD), Manchester (Postdoc), Durham (Postdoc)
- After MIT: Assistant Professor, U. Buffalo
- Currently: Associate Professor, U. Genova
- Gilly Elor, CTP Postdoctoral Researcher, Fall 2013-Spring 2016
- Before MIT: U.C. Berkeley (PhD)
- After MIT: Postdoctoral Researcher, U. Oregon
- Currently: Research Fellow, UT Austin
- Duff Neill, Pappalardo Fellow, Fall 2012-Spring 2015; CTP Postdoctoral Researcher, Spring 2015-Spring 2016
- Before MIT: Carnegie Mellon (PhD)
- After MIT: Director’s Fellow, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Currently: Staff Scientist, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Andrew Larkoski, CTP Postdoctoral Researcher, Fall 2012-Spring 2015
- Wu-Ki Tung Award for Early Career Research on QCD, CTEQ Collaboration, 2017
- Before MIT: Stanford (PhD)
- After MIT: LHC Theoretical Initiative Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard
- Currently: Associate Editor, Physical Review D
- Matthew McCullough, Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, Fall 2011-Spring 2014
- Before MIT: Oxford U. (PhD)
- After MIT: COFUND Fellowship, CERN
- Currently: Staff Scientist, CERN
- Keith Rehermann, CTP Postdoctoral Researcher, Fall 2010-Spring 2012
- Before MIT: Johns Hopkins U. (PhD)
- After MIT: Consultant, Ab Initio Software Corporation
- Currently: Software Engineer, Chainlink Labs
Ph.D. Students
- Pamela Pajarillo, anticipated Ph.D. 2028
- Sean Benevedes, anticipated Ph.D. 2026
- Rikab Gambhir, anticipated Ph.D. 2025
- MIT Prize for Open Data (Honorable Mention), MIT Libraries and School of Science, 2022
- Samuel Alipour-fard, anticipated Ph.D. 2025
- Patrick Komiske, Ph.D. 2021
- Thesis: “Machine Learning for High-Energy Collider Physics”
- After MIT: Researcher, PDT Partners
- Currently: Research Scientist, River Run Trading
- Eric Metodiev, Ph.D. 2020
- Thesis: “Energy Flow in Particle Collisions”
- After MIT: Research Scientist, Renaissance Technologies
- Benjamin Elder, Ph.D. 2018
- Thesis: “Jet Fragmentation at the LHC”
- After MIT: Cognitive Software Developer, IBM
- Currently: Research Scientist, IBM
- Lina Necib, Ph.D. 2017
- Thesis: “Boosting (In)direct Detection of Dark Matter”
- Vazquez Award for Outstanding Research, MIT Physics Department, 2016
- After MIT: Fairchild Postdoctoral Scholar, Caltech
- Currently: Assistant Professor, MIT
- Yonatan Kahn, Ph.D. 2015
- Thesis: “Forces and Gauge Groups Beyond the Standard Model”
- Andrew M. Lockett III Memorial Fund Award, MIT Physics Department, 2014
- J.J. and Noriko Sakurai Dissertation Award, American Physical Society, 2016
- After MIT: Postdoctoral Researcher, Princeton
- Currently: Assistant Professor, U. Toronto
- Daniele Bertolini, Ph.D. 2014
- Thesis: “Electroweak Symmetry Breaking in the Era of the Higgs Boson Discovery”
- LHC-TI Graduate Fellowship, LHC Theory Initiative, 2013
- After MIT: Postdoctoral Researcher, U.C. Berkeley
- Currently: Machine Learning Scientist, Unlearn
- Zoe Thomas, Ph.D. 2014
- Thesis: “Supersymmetry at the Dawn of the LHC Era”
- After MIT: Postdoctoral Researcher, U. Minnesota
- Currently: Applied Research Mathematician, Department of Defense
- Francesco D’Eramo, Ph.D. 2012
- Thesis: “Hot and Dark Matter” (with Krishna Rajagopal and Hong Liu)
- Vazquez Award for Outstanding Research, MIT Physics Department, 2011
- After MIT: Miller Research Fellow, U.C. Berkeley
- Currently: Associate Professor, U. Padova
M.Eng. Students
- Raymond Wynne, M.Eng. 2023
- Thesis: “Anomaly Detection in Collider Physics via Factorized Observables”
- After MIT: Physics Ph.D. Candidate, Caltech
- Nilai Sarda, M.Eng. 2020
- Thesis: “On Anomaly Detection in Particle Accelerators” (with Justin Solomon)
- Johnson Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making Thesis Award, MIT EECS Department, 2020
- After MIT: Researcher, D.E. Shaw Group
- Currently: Algorithm Developer, Hudson River Trading
- Preksha Naik, M.Eng. 2019
- Thesis: “Exploring the Space of Jets with CMS Open Data”
- After MIT: Physics Ph.D. Candidate, Caltech
B.S. Students
- Canis Li, anticipated B.S. 2028
- Independent Research: IAP 2025
- Nipun Dour, anticipated B.S. 2027
- Independent Research: Summer 2024, IAP 2025
- UROP Research: Fall 2024
- Max Tan, anticipated B.S. 2025
- UROP Research: Spring 2023, Summer 2023
- Ammar Fayad, anticipated B.S. 2025
- Independent Research: Fall 2024
- UROP Research: Summer 2023, Summer 2024
- Mohit Dighamber, B.S. 2023
- UROP Research: Fall 2022, Spring 2023
- After MIT: EECS M.Eng. Candidate, MIT
- Octavio Vega, B.S. 2022
- UROP Research: Spring 2021, Summer 2021, Fall 2021
- After MIT: Research Assistant, University of Hamburg
- Currently: Physics Ph.D. Candidate, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Nishat Protyasha, B.S. 2023
- UROP Research: Summer 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Summer 2021
- FUTURE of Physics Participant, Caltech, 2020
- After MIT: EECS M.Eng., MIT
- Currently: Research Assistant, MIT Media Lab
- Serhii Kryhin, B.S. 2022
- Senior Thesis, Fall 2021 - Spring 2022: “Application of Unsupervised Machine Learning for Event Classification”
- Independent Research: Fall 2019, Fall 2020
- UROP Research: Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Spring 2021, Summer 2021
- Morse/Orloff Research Award, MIT Physics Department, 2022
- After MIT: Physics Ph.D. Candidate, Harvard
- Christopher Miller, B.S. 2021
- UROP Research: Fall 2020
- After MIT: Technical Instructor II, MIT
- Debaditya Pramanik, B.S. 2021
- Senior Thesis, Fall 2020 - Spring 2021: “Collinear Supergravity at Linear Order”
- UROP Research: Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Fall 2020
- After MIT: Physics Ph.D. Candidate, Princeton
- Ziqi Zhou, B.S. 2020
- UROP Research: Fall 2018
- After MIT: Physics Ph.D. Candidate, Stony Brook
- Talya Klinger, B.S. 2020
- UROP Research: Spring 2017
- After MIT: Marshall Scholar, University of Cambridge and Cardiff University
- Currently: Physics Ph.D. Candidate, Caltech
- Radha Mastandrea, B.S. 2019
- Senior Thesis, Spring 2019: “Analyzing CMS Open Collider Data through Topic Modeling”
- UROP Research: Spring 2017, Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Summer 2018
- Joel Matthew Orloff Award for Outstanding Service, MIT Physics Department, 2019
- Physics Research Fellowship, Heising-Simons Foundation, 2018
- FUTURE of Physics Participant, Caltech, 2018
- After MIT: Marshall Scholarship, U. Cambridge
- Currently: Physics Ph.D Candidate, U.C. Berkeley
- Eleanor Hall, B.S. 2018
- Senior Thesis, Spring 2018: “Photon Isolation and Jet Substructure”
- UROP Research: Spring 2017, Summer 2017, Fall 2017
- Joel Matthew Orloff Award for Outstanding Service, MIT Physics Department, 2017
- After MIT: Physics Ph.D. Candidate, U.C. Berkeley
- Matthew Burns, B.S. 2018
- UROP Research: Fall 2014, Spring 2015
- Kevin Zhou, B.S. 2017
- UROP Research: IAP 2016, Spring 2016, Summer 2016, Fall 2016, Spring 2017
- Joel Matthew Orloff Award for Outstanding Research, MIT Physics Department, 2017
- After MIT: Marshall Scholarship, U. Cambridge and U. Oxford
- Currently: Postdoctoral Researcher, UC Berkeley
- Aashish Tripathee, B.S. 2017
- Senior Thesis, Spring 2017: “Jet Substructure at the Large Hadron Collider”
- Independent Research: IAP 2015
- UROP Research: Spring 2015, Summer 2015, Fall 2015, IAP 2016, Spring 2016, Summer 2016, Fall 2016
- Philip Morse Memorial Award, MIT Physics Department, 2017
- After MIT: Physics Ph.D., U. Michigan
- Currently: Postdoctoral Researcher, U. Michigan
- Trung Phan, B.S. 2015
- Senior Thesis, Fall 2014 - Spring 2015: “Relativistic Quantum Fields in Theoretical Physics”
- UROP Research: Spring 2014, Summer 2014
- After MIT: Physics Ph.D., Princeton
- Currently: Assistant Professor, Claremont Colleges
- T.J. Wilkason, B.S. 2015
- Senior Thesis, Fall 2014 - Spring 2015: “Exclusive Cone Jet Algorithms for High Energy Particle Colliders”
- Independent Research: IAP 2015
- UROP Research: Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Summer 2014
- Joel Matthew Orloff Award for Outstanding Service, MIT Physics Department, 2015
- After MIT: Physics Ph.D., Stanford
- Currently: Senior Quantum Engineer, Atom Computing
- Mobolaji Williams, B.S. 2013
- Senior Thesis, Fall 2012 - Spring 2013: “Pseudo-Goldstino to Gravitino Decay: An Implication of Multiple Supersymmetry Breaking”
- Independent Research: Spring 2012
- UROP Research: Fall 2010, Spring 2011, Summer 2012
- After MIT: Physics Ph.D., Harvard
- Currently: Data Scientist, Jellyfish
- Dustin Katzin, B.S. 2012
- Senior Thesis, Spring 2012: “The DarkLight Experiment: Searching for the Dark Photon”
- UROP Research: Fall 2011, IAP 2012
- After MIT: Part III, University of Cambridge
- Currently: Software Engineering Team Lead, Bloomberg
- Tucker Chan, B.S. 2012
- UROP Research: Summer 2011, Fall 2011, Spring 2012
- After MIT: Physics Ph.D. Candidate, Stanford
- Lin Fei, B.S. 2011
- Senior Thesis, Spring 2011: “Dark Matter Dynamics in the Early Universe”
- After MIT: Physics Ph.D., Princeton
- Ken Van Tilburg, B.S. 2011
- Senior Thesis, Spring 2011: “Identifying Boosted Objects with N-subjettiness and Linear k-means Clustering”
- UROP Research: Summer 2010, Fall 2010
- Apker Award Finalist, American Physical Society, 2011
- Joel Matthew Orloff Award for Outstanding Research in Physics, MIT Physics Department, 2011
- After MIT: Physics Ph.D, Stanford
- Currently: Assistant Professor, NYU and Associate Research Scientist, Flatiron Institute
- Anne Galda, Fulbright Scholarship, Spring 2025
- Project: “Unveiling the Discovery Potential for ALPs using Machine Learning”
- Home Institution: Johannes Gutenberg University
- Nathaniel Santiago, MIT Summer Research Program, Summer 2024
- Project: “Graph Neural Network Particle Reconstruction for DUNE’s Prototype Near Detector”
- Home Institution: Northeastern Illinois U.
- Yiding Song, Research Science Institute, Summer 2023
- Project: “Towards an Understanding of Scientific Data with Multimodal Language Models”
- Home Institution: Harrow School
- Currently: B.S. Candidate, Harvard
- Edward Gu, Research Internship, Summer 2023
- Home Institution: Cornell
- Xinyue (Stella) Wu, MIT Summer Research Program, Summer 2023
- Project: “Measuring the Size of Quark and Gluon Jets in CMS Open Data”
- Home Institution: U. Rochester
- FUTURE of Physics Participant, Caltech, 2023
- Currently: Physics Ph.D. Candidate, Caltech
- Brian Nord, MIT MLK Visiting Professor, Fall 2022-Spring 2023
- Home Institution: Fermilab and U. Chicago
- Currently: Director, Deep Skies Lab
- Kaća Bradonjić, Visiting Artist, Fall 2022
- Home Institution: Hampshire College
- Currently: Assitant Professor, Hampshire College
- Sergio Diaz, MIT Summer Research Program, Summer 2022
- Project: “Determination of the W Mass Parameter using Machine Learning”
- Home Institution: U. Maryland, Baltimore County
- Pedro Rivera-Cardona, MIT Summer Research Program, Summer 2021
- Project: “Implementation of U(1) Group Symmetry on Energy Flow Networks”
- Home Institution: U. Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
- Scholarship, Puerto Rico Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation, 2022
- Currently: Ph.D. Candidate, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Athis Osathapan, Research Internship, Spring 2021, Summer 2021, Summer 2022
- Home Institution: Bowdoin College
- Shira Jackson, MIT Summer Research Program, Summer 2020
- Project: “Estimating the Energy Mover’s Distance with Exclusive Jet Clustering”
- Home Institution: U. Cincinnati
- Currently: Physics Ph.D. Candidate, NYU
- Andrew Turner, Tushar Shah and Sara Zion Physics Fellowship, 2018-2019
- Home Institution: MIT (Washington Taylor)
- Currently: Postdoctoral Researcher, UPenn
- Maximilian Henderson, International Research Opportunities Programme, Summer 2018
- Home Institution: Imperial College London
- Edward Hirst, International Research Opportunities Programme, Summer 2018
- Home Institution: Imperial College London
- Currently: Postdoctoral Researcher, Queen Mary University of London
- Rahim Leung, International Research Opportunities Programme, Summer 2017
- Home Institution: Imperial College London
- Currently: Market Risk Analyst, Morgan Stanley
- Markus Schulze, Visiting Postdoc, Fall 2015
- Home Institution: CERN
- Alexis Romero, MIT Summer Research Program, Summer 2015
- Project: “Jet Physics Measurements on CMS Open Data”
- Home Institution: San Diego State University
- Currently: Physics Ph.D. Candidate, U.C. Irvine
- Nayara Fonseca, FAPESP Fellowship, Spring 2014-Fall 2014
- Home Institution: U. Sao Paulo, Brazil (Gustavo Burdman)
- Currently: Research Fellow, U. Oxford
- 8.831 — Supersymmetric Quantum Field Theories
- Lecture: Spring 2017, Fall 2019, Fall 2024
- 8.398 — Selected Topics in Graduate Physics
- Instructor: Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Spring 2024
- 8.03 — Physics III, Waves and Vibrations
- Recitation: Fall 2020
- 8.044 — Statistical Physics I
- Recitation: Spring 2020
- 8.05 — Quantum Mechanics II
- Instructor (MITx-based 8.051): Spring 2018
- Recitation: Fall 2010, Fall 2012
- 8.033 — Relativity
- 8.02 — Physics II, Electricity and Magnetism
- TEAL (studio class): Spring 2014, Spring 2015, Spring 2016
- 8.012 — Physics I, Classical Mechanics
- Recitation: Fall 2014
- 8.06 — Quantum Mechanics III
- Lecture: Spring 2011, Spring 2012, Spring 2013
- Recitation: Spring 2010
Guest Lectures
- “Collision Course”, 8.S50 (Computational Data Science in Physics), IAP 2022
- “Collision Course”, 8.S50 (Computational Data Science in Physics), IAP 2021
- “The Hidden Geometry of Particle Collisions”, 8.398 (Selected Topics in Graduate Physics), Fall 2020
- “One Lecture on Jets”, 8.701 (Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics), Fall 2019
- “One Lecture on Jets”, 8.811 (Particle Physics II), Fall 2019
- “Propagators from Unitarity”, 8.325 (Quantum Field Theory III), Spring 2017
- “Two Lectures on Jet Physics”, 8.811 (Particle Physics II), Fall 2015
- “Modern Jet Algorithms”, Physics 290E (High Energy/Nuclear Physics Seminar), Fall 2009
- “Monte Carlo Methods for Background Estimation”, Physics 290E (High Energy/Nuclear Physics Seminar), Fall 2008
Before MIT
- Teaching Fellow, Widely Applied Physics (Nima Arkani-Hamed), Harvard University, Fall 2005
- Teaching Assistant, Linear Algebra (Thomas Banchoff), Brown University, Spring 2001
- Math/Physics Tutor, Brown University, 1999-2000
- Classroom Assistant, Algebra I and II, Textron/Chamber of Commerce Charter High School, Providence, RI, Fall 1999
Publications & Preprints
Papers by Topic Inspire arXiv ORCID Google Scholar
- QCD Theory meets Information Theory.
Benoît Assi, Stefan Höche, Kyle Lee, and Jesse Thaler.
- A Lorentz-Equivariant Transformer for All of the LHC.
Johann Brehmer, Víctor Bresó, Pim de Haan, Tilman Plehn, Huilin Qu, Jonas Spinner, and Jesse Thaler.
arXiv:2411.00446. - Flavor Patterns of Fundamental Particles from Quantum Entanglement?.
Jesse Thaler and Sokratis Trifinopoulos.
arXiv:2410.23343. - New Angles on Energy Correlators.
Samuel Alipour-fard, Ankita Budhraja, Jesse Thaler, and Wouter J. Waalewijn.
arXiv:2410.16368. - SPECTER: Efficient Evaluation of the Spectral EMD.
Rikab Gambhir, Andrew J. Larkoski, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 2412:219 (2024), arXiv:2410.05379. - Moment Unfolding.
Krish Desai, Benjamin Nachman, and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D110:116013 (2024), arXiv:2407.11284. - Lorentz-Equivariant Geometric Algebra Transformers for High-Energy Physics.
Jonas Spinner, Victor Bresó, Pim de Haan, Tilman Plehn, Jesse Thaler, and Johann Brehmer.
NeurIPS 2024, arXiv:2405.14806. - Moments of Clarity: Streamlining Latent Spaces in Machine Learning using Moment Pooling.
Rikab Gambhir, Athis Osathapan, and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D110:074020 (2024), arXiv:2403.08854. - PAPERCLIP: Associating Astronomical Observations and Natural Language with Multi-Modal Models.
Siddharth Mishra-Sharma, Yiding Song, and Jesse Thaler.
Conf. Lang. Mod. 2024, arXiv:2403.08851.
- Anomaly Detection in Collider Physics via Factorized Observables.
Eric M. Metodiev, Jesse Thaler, and Raymond Wynne.
Phys. Rev. D110:055012 (2024), arXiv:2312.00119. - Safe but Incalculable: Energy-Weighting is Not All You Need.
Samuel Bright-Thonney, Benjamin Nachman, and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D110:014029 (2024), arXiv:2311.07652. - Flavoured Jets with Exact Anti-kt Kinematics and Tests of Infrared and Collinear Safety.
Fabrizio Caola, Radosław Grabarczyk, Maxwell L. Hutt, Gavin P. Salam, Ludovic Scyboz, and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D108:094010 (2023), arXiv:2306.07314. - A Spectral Metric for Collider Geometry.
Andrew J. Larkoski and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 2308:107 (2023), arXiv:2305.03751. - Pileup and Infrared Radiation Annihilation (PIRANHA): A Paradigm for Continuous Jet Grooming.
Samuel Alipour-fard, Patrick T. Komiske, Eric M. Metodiev, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 2309:157 (2023), arXiv:2305.00989. - SHAPER: Can You Hear the Shape of a Jet?.
Demba Ba, Akshunna S. Dogra, Rikab Gambhir, Abiy Tasissa, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 2306:195 (2023), arXiv:2302.12266. - EPiC-GAN: Equivariant Point Cloud Generation for Particle Jets.
Erik Buhmann, Gregor Kasieczka, and Jesse Thaler.
SciPost Phys. 15:130 (2023), arXiv:2301.08128.
- Comparing Point Cloud Strategies for Collider Event Classification.
Peter Onyisi, Delon Shen, and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D108:012001 (2023), arXiv:2212.10659. - Degeneracy Engineering for Classical and Quantum Annealing: A Case Study of Sparse Linear Regression in Collider Physics.
Eric R. Anschuetz, Lena Funcke, Patrick T. Komiske, Serhii Kryhin, and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D106:056008 (2022), arXiv:2205.10375. - Power Counting Energy Flow Polynomials.
Pedro Cal, Jesse Thaler, and Wouter J. Waalewijn.
JHEP 2209:021 (2022), arXiv:2205.06818. - Bias and Priors in Machine Learning Calibrations for High Energy Physics.
Rikab Gambhir, Benjamin Nachman, and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D106:036011 (2022), arXiv:2205.05084. - Disentangling Quarks and Gluons with CMS Open Data.
Patrick T. Komiske, Serhii Kryhin, and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D106:094021 (2022), arXiv:2205.04459. - Learning Uncertainties the Frequentist Way: Calibration and Correlation in High Energy Physics.
Rikab Gambhir, Benjamin Nachman, and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129:082001 (2022), arXiv:2205.03413. - Non-Gaussianities in Collider Energy Flux.
Hao Chen, Ian Moult, Jesse Thaler, and Hua Xing Zhu.
JHEP 2207:146 (2022), arXiv:2205.02857. - Quantum Annealing for Jet Clustering with Thrust.
Andrea Delgado and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D106:094016 (2022), arXiv:2205.02814. - Analyzing N-point Energy Correlators Inside Jets with CMS Open Data.
Patrick T. Komiske, Ian Moult, Jesse Thaler, and Hua Xing Zhu.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130:051901 (2023), arXiv:2201.07800.
- SymmetryGAN: Symmetry Discovery with Deep Learning.
Krish Desai, Benjamin Nachman, and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D105:096031 (2022), arXiv:2112.05722. - Neural Conditional Reweighting.
Benjamin Nachman and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D105:076015 (2022), arXiv:2107.08979. - E Pluribus Unum Ex Machina: Learning from Many Collider Events at Once.
Benjamin Nachman and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D103:116013 (2021), arXiv:2101.07263.
- Mapping Machine-Learned Physics into a Human-Readable Space.
Taylor Faucett, Jesse Thaler, and Daniel Whiteson.
Phys. Rev. D103:036020 (2021), arXiv:2010.11998. - Data-Driven Quark and Gluon Jet Modification in Heavy-Ion Collisions.
Jasmine Brewer, Jesse Thaler, and Andrew P. Turner.
Phys. Rev. C103:L021901 (2021), arXiv:2008.08596. - Neural Resampler for Monte Carlo Reweighting with Preserved Uncertainties.
Benjamin Nachman and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D102.076004 (2020), arXiv:2007.11586. - A Robust Measure of Event Isotropy at Colliders.
Cari Cesarotti and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 2008:084 (2020), arXiv:2004.06125. - The Hidden Geometry of Particle Collisions.
Patrick T. Komiske, Eric M. Metodiev, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 2007:006 (2020), arXiv:2004.04159.
- OmniFold: A Method to Simultaneously Unfold All Observables.
Anders Andreassen, Patrick T. Komiske, Eric M. Metodiev, Benjamin Nachman, and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124:182001 (2020), arXiv:1911.09107. - Cutting Multiparticle Correlators Down to Size.
Patrick T. Komiske, Eric M. Metodiev, and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D101:036019 (2020), arXiv:1911.04491. - Circumnavigating Collinear Superspace.
Timothy Cohen, Gilly Elor, Andrew J. Larkoski, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 2002:156 (2020), arXiv:1909.00009. - Quantum Algorithms for Jet Clustering.
Annie Y. Wei, Preksha Naik, Aram W. Harrow, and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D101:094015 (2020), arXiv:1908.08949. - Exploring the Space of Jets with CMS Open Data.
Patrick T. Komiske, Radha Mastandrea, Eric M. Metodiev, Preksha Naik, and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D101:034009 (2020), arXiv:1908.08542. - Searching in CMS Open Data for Dimuon Resonances with Substantial Transverse Momentum.
Cari Cesarotti, Yotam Soreq, Matthew J. Strassler, Jesse Thaler, and Wei Xue.
Phys. Rev. D100:015021 (2019), arXiv:1902.04222. - The Metric Space of Collider Events.
Patrick T. Komiske, Eric M. Metodiev, and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123:041801 (2019), arXiv:1902.02346.
- Sorting Out Quenched Jets.
Jasmine Brewer, José Guilherme Milhano, and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122:222301 (2019), arXiv:1812.05111. - Navigating Collinear Superspace.
Timothy Cohen, Gilly Elor, Andrew J. Larkoski, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 2002:146 (2020), arXiv:1810.11032. - Energy Flow Networks: Deep Sets for Particle Jets.
Patrick T. Komiske, Eric M. Metodiev, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1901:121 (2019), arXiv:1810.05165. - Searching for Axion Dark Matter with Birefringent Cavities.
Hongwan Liu, Brodi D. Elwood, Matthew Evans, and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D100:023548 (2019), arXiv:1809.01656. - An Operational Definition of Quark and Gluon Jets.
Patrick T. Komiske, Eric M. Metodiev, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1811:059 (2018), arXiv:1809.01140. - Photon Isolation and Jet Substructure.
Eleanor Hall and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1809:164 (2018), arXiv:1805.11622. - Aspects of Track-Assisted Mass.
Benjamin T. Elder and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1903:104 (2019), arXiv:1805.11109. - Recursive Soft Drop.
Frédéric A. Dreyer, Lina Necib, Gregory Soyez, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1806:093 (2018), arXiv:1804.03657. - On the Topic of Jets: Disentangling Quarks and Gluons at Colliders.
Eric M. Metodiev and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120:241602 (2018), arXiv:1802.00008.
- Energy Flow Polynomials: A Complete Linear Basis for Jet Substructure.
Patrick T. Komiske, Eric M. Metodiev, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1804:013 (2018), arXiv:1712.07124. - The Importance of Calorimetry for Highly-Boosted Jet Substructure.
Evan Coleman, Marat Freytsis, Andreas Hinzmann, Meenakshi Narain, Jesse Thaler, Nhan Tran, and Caterina Vernieri.
JINST 13:T01003 (2018), arXiv:1709.08705. - Classification Without Labels: Learning from Mixed Samples in High Energy Physics.
Eric M. Metodiev, Benjamin Nachman, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1710:174 (2017), arXiv:1708.02949. - Casimir Meets Poisson: Improved Quark/Gluon Discrimination with Counting Observables.
Christopher Frye, Andrew J. Larkoski, Jesse Thaler, and Kevin Zhou.
JHEP 1709:085 (2017), arXiv:1704.06266. - Jet Substructure Studies with CMS Open Data.
Aashish Tripathee, Wei Xue, Andrew Larkoski, Simone Marzani, and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D96:074003 (2017), arXiv:1704.05842. - Generalized Fragmentation Functions for Fractal Jet Observables.
Benjamin T. Elder, Massimiliano Procura, Jesse Thaler, Wouter J. Waalewijn, and Kevin Zhou.
JHEP 1706:085 (2017), arXiv:1704.05456. - Exposing the QCD Splitting Function with CMS Open Data.
Andrew Larkoski, Simone Marzani, Jesse Thaler, Aashish Tripathee, and Wei Xue.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119:132003 (2017), arXiv:1704.05066. - Systematics of Quark/Gluon Tagging.
Philippe Gras, Stefan Höche, Deepak Kar, Andrew Larkoski, Leif Lönnblad, Simon Plätzer, Andrzej Siódmok, Peter Skands, Gregory Soyez, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1707:091 (2017), arXiv:1704.03878. - Colorful Twisted Top Partners and Partnerium at the LHC.
Yevgeny Kats, Matthew McCullough, Gilad Perez, Yotam Soreq, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1706:126 (2017), arXiv:1704.03393. - Disentangling Heavy Flavor at Colliders.
Philip Ilten, Nicholas L. Rodd, Jesse Thaler, and Mike Williams.
Phys. Rev. D96:054019 (2017), arXiv:1702.02947.
- New Angles on Energy Correlation Functions.
Ian Moult, Lina Necib, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1612:153 (2016), arXiv:1609.07483. - Resurrecting the Dead Cone.
Fabio Maltoni, Michele Selvaggi, and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D94:054015 (2016), arXiv:1606.03449. - Inclusive Dark Photon Search at LHCb.
Philip Ilten, Yotam Soreq, Jesse Thaler, Mike Williams, and Wei Xue.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116:251803 (2016), arXiv:1603.08926. - Broadband and Resonant Approaches to Axion Dark Matter Detection.
Yonatan Kahn, Benjamin R. Safdi, and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117:141801 (2016), arXiv:1602.01086.
- Cosmology with Orthogonal Nilpotent Superfields.
Sergio Ferrara, Renata Kallosh, and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D93:043516 (2016), arXiv:1512.00545. - Dark Photons from Charm Mesons at LHCb.
Philip Ilten, Jesse Thaler, Mike Williams, and Wei Xue.
Phys. Rev. D92:115017 (2015), arXiv:1509.06765. - Resolving Boosted Jets with XCone.
Jesse Thaler and Thomas F. Wilkason.
JHEP 1512:051 (2015), arXiv:1508.01518. - XCone: N-jettiness as an Exclusive Cone Jet Algorithm.
Iain W. Stewart, Frank J. Tackmann, Jesse Thaler, Christopher K. Vermilion, and Thomas F. Wilkason.
JHEP 1511:072 (2015), arXiv:1508.01516. - Dark Matter, Shared Asymmetries, and Galactic Gamma Ray Signals.
Nayara Fonseca, Lina Necib, and Jesse Thaler.
JCAP 1602:052 (2016), arXiv:1507.08295. - Separated at Birth: Jet Maximization, Axis Minimization, and Stable Cone Finding.
Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D92:074001 (2015), arXiv:1506.07876. - The Goldstone and Goldstino of Supersymmetric Inflation.
Yonatan Kahn, Daniel A. Roberts, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1510:001 (2015), arXiv:1504.05958. - Sudakov Safety in Perturbative QCD.
Andrew J. Larkoski, Simone Marzani, and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D91:111501 (2015), arXiv:1502.01719. - The First Calculation of Fractional Jets.
Daniele Bertolini, Jesse Thaler, and Jonathan R. Walsh.
JHEP 1505:008 (2015), arXiv:1501.01965.
- DAEdALUS and Dark Matter Detection.
Yonatan Kahn, Gordan Krnjaic, Jesse Thaler, and Matthew Toups.
Phys. Rev. D91:055006 (2015), arXiv:1411.1055. - Gaining (Mutual) Information about Quark/Gluon Discrimination.
Andrew J. Larkoski, Jesse Thaler, and Wouter J. Waalewijn.
JHEP 1411:129 (2014), arXiv:1408.3122. - Aspects of Jets at 100 TeV.
Andrew J. Larkoski and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D90:034010 (2014), arXiv:1406.7011. - (In)direct Detection of Boosted Dark Matter.
Kaustubh Agashe, Yanou Cui, Lina Necib, and Jesse Thaler.
JCAP 1410:062 (2014), arXiv:1405.7370. - Soft Drop.
Andrew J. Larkoski, Simone Marzani, Gregory Soyez, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1405:146 (2014), arXiv:1402.2657. - Jet Shapes with the Broadening Axis.
Andrew J. Larkoski, Duff Neill, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1404:017 (2014), arXiv:1401.2158.
- Jet Observables Without Jet Algorithms.
Daniele Bertolini, Tucker Chan, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1404:013 (2014), arXiv:1310.7584. - Auxiliary Gauge Mediation: A New Route to Mini-Split Supersymmetry.
Yonatan Kahn, Matthew McCullough, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1311:161 (2013), arXiv:1308.3490. - Anomaly Mediation from Unbroken Supergravity.
Francesco D’Eramo, Jesse Thaler, and Zoe Thomas.
JHEP 1309:125 (2013), arXiv:1307.3251. - Unsafe but Calculable: Ratios of Angularities in Perturbative QCD.
Andrew J. Larkoski and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1309:137 (2013), arXiv:1307.1699. - Calculating Track Thrust with Track Functions.
Hsi-Ming Chang, Massimiliano Procura, Jesse Thaler, and Wouter J. Waalewijn.
Phys. Rev. D88:034030 (2013), arXiv:1306.6630. - Exotic Top Partners and Little Higgs.
John Kearney, Aaron Pierce, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1310:230 (2013), arXiv:1306.4314. - Energy Correlation Functions for Jet Substructure.
Andrew J. Larkoski, Gavin P. Salam, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1306:108 (2013), arXiv:1305.0007. - Top Partner Probes of Extended Higgs Sectors.
John Kearney, Aaron Pierce, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1308:130 (2013), arXiv:1304.4233. - Calculating Track-Based Observables for the LHC.
Hsi-Ming Chang, Massimiliano Procura, Jesse Thaler, and Wouter J. Waalewijn.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111:102002 (2013), arXiv:1303.6637. - Super-Tricks for Superspace.
Daniele Bertolini, Jesse Thaler, and Zoe Thomas.
TASI 2012, arXiv:1302.6229.
- Multiple Gamma Lines from Semi-Annihilation.
Francesco D’Eramo, Matthew McCullough, and Jesse Thaler.
JCAP 1304:030 (2013), arXiv:1210.7817. - Power Corrections to Event Shapes with Mass-Dependent Operators.
Vicent Mateu, Iain W. Stewart, and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D87:014025 (2013), arXiv:1209.3781. - Searching for an Invisible A’ Vector Boson with DarkLight.
Yonatan Kahn and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D86:115012 (2012), arXiv:1209.0777. - Precision Jet Substructure from Boosted Event Shapes.
Ilya Feige, Matthew D. Schwartz, Iain W. Stewart, and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109:092001 (2012), arXiv:1204.3898. - Flavor Mediation Delivers Natural SUSY.
Nathaniel Craig, Matthew McCullough, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1206:046 (2012), arXiv:1203.1622. - Locality in Theory Space.
Yonatan Kahn and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1207:007 (2012), arXiv:1202.5491. - The Two Faces of Anomaly Mediation.
Francesco D’Eramo, Jesse Thaler, and Zoe Thomas.
JHEP 1206:151 (2012), arXiv:1202.1280. - The New Flavor of Higgsed Gauge Mediation.
Nathaniel Craig, Matthew McCullough, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1203:049 (2012), arXiv:1201.2179.
- Dark Matter Assimilation into the Baryon Asymmetry.
Francesco D’Eramo, Lin Fei, and Jesse Thaler.
JCAP 1203:010 (2012), arXiv:1111.5615. - Visible Supersymmetry Breaking and an Invisible Higgs.
Daniele Bertolini, Keith Rehermann, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1204:130 (2012), arXiv:1111.0628. - Maximizing Boosted Top Identification by Minimizing N-subjettiness.
Jesse Thaler and Ken Van Tilburg.
JHEP 1202:093 (2012), arXiv:1108.2701. - A Fat Higgs with a Magnetic Personality.
Nathaniel Craig, Daniel Stolarski, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1111:145 (2011), arXiv:1106.2164. - The Spectrum of Goldstini and Modulini.
Clifford Cheung, Francesco D’Eramo, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1108:115 (2011), arXiv:1104.2600. - Supergravity Computations without Gravity Complications.
Clifford Cheung, Francesco D’Eramo, and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D84:085012 (2011), arXiv:1104.2598. - Goldstini Can Give the Higgs a Boost.
Jesse Thaler and Zoe Thomas.
JHEP 1107:060 (2011), arXiv:1103.1631.
- Identifying Boosted Objects with N-subjettiness.
Jesse Thaler and Ken Van Tilburg.
JHEP 1103:015 (2011), arXiv:1011.2268. - The Bestest Little Higgs.
Martin Schmaltz, Daniel Stolarski, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1009:018 (2010), arXiv:1006.1356. - A Definitive Signal of Multiple Supersymmetry Breaking.
Clifford Cheung, Jeremy Mardon, Yasunori Nomura, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1007:035 (2010), arXiv:1004.4637. - Dark Matter from Dynamical SUSY Breaking.
JiJi Fan, Jesse Thaler, and Lian-Tao Wang.
JHEP 1006:045 (2010), arXiv:1004.0008. - Semi-annihilation of Dark Matter.
Francesco D’Eramo and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1006:109 (2010), arXiv:1003.5912. - Goldstini.
Clifford Cheung, Yasunori Nomura, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1003:073 (2010), arXiv:1002.1967.
- Jet Trimming.
David Krohn, Jesse Thaler, and Lian-Tao Wang.
JHEP 1002:084 (2010), arXiv:0912.1342. - Constraining the Axion Portal with B -> K l+ l-.
Marat Freytsis, Zoltan Ligeti, and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D81:034001 (2010), arXiv:0911.5355. - Supermodels for early LHC.
Christian W. Bauer, Zoltan Ligeti, Martin Schmaltz, Jesse Thaler, and Devin G.E. Walker.
Phys. Lett. B 690:280-288 (2010), arXiv:0909.5213. - Dark Force Detection in Low Energy e-p Collisions.
Marat Freytsis, Grigory Ovanesyan, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 1001:111 (2010), arXiv:0909.2862. - Cosmic Signals from the Hidden Sector.
Jeremy Mardon, Yasunori Nomura, and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D80:035013 (2009), arXiv:0905.3749. - Jets with Variable R.
David Krohn, Jesse Thaler, and Lian-Tao Wang.
JHEP 0906:059 (2009), arXiv:0903.0392. - Dark Matter Signals from Cascade Annihilations.
Jeremy Mardon, Yasunori Nomura, Daniel Stolarski, and Jesse Thaler.
JCAP 0905:016 (2009), arXiv:0901.2926.
- Collective Quartics and Dangerous Singlets in Little Higgs.
Martin Schmaltz and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 0903:137 (2009), arXiv:0812.2477. - Dark Matter through the Axion Portal.
Yasunori Nomura and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D79:075008 (2009), arXiv:0810.5397. - The Dark Top.
David Poland and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 0811:083 (2008), arXiv:0808.1290. - Strategies to Identify Boosted Tops.
Jesse Thaler and Lian-Tao Wang.
JHEP 0807:092 (2008), arXiv:0806.0023. - GenEvA (II): A phase space generator from a reweighted parton shower.
Christian W. Bauer, Frank J. Tackmann, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 0812:011 (2008), arXiv:0801.4028. - GenEvA (I): A new framework for event generation.
Christian W. Bauer, Frank J. Tackmann, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 0812:010 (2008), arXiv:0801.4026.
- Probing Minimal Flavor Violation at the LHC.
Yuval Grossman, Yosef Nir, Jesse Thaler, Tomer Volansky, and Jure Zupan.
Phys. Rev. D76:096006 (2007), arXiv:0706.1845. - MARMOSET: The Path from LHC Data to the New Standard Model via On-Shell Effective Theories.
Nima Arkani-Hamed, Bruce Knuteson, Stephen Mrenna, Philip Schuster, Jesse Thaler, Natalia Toro, and Lian-Tao Wang.
arXiv:hep-ph/0703088. - Natural Dark Matter from an Unnatural Higgs Boson and New Colored Particles at the TeV Scale.
Aaron Pierce and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 0708:026 (2007), arXiv:hep-ph/0703056.
- Disentangling Dimension Six Operators through Di-Higgs Boson Production.
Aaron Pierce, Jesse Thaler, and Lian-Tao Wang.
JHEP 0705:070 (2007), arXiv:hep-ph/0609049. - Little M-theory.
Hsin-Chia Cheng, Jesse Thaler, and Lian-Tao Wang.
JHEP 0609:003 (2006), arXiv:hep-ph/0607205. - (Reverse) Engineering Vacuum Alignment.
Clifford Cheung and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 0608:016 (2006), arXiv:hep-ph/0604259. - Prospects for Mirage Mediation.
Aaron Pierce and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 0609:017 (2006), arXiv:hep-ph/0604192. - Spontaneous Lorentz Breaking at High Energies.
Hsin-Chia Cheng, Markus A. Luty, Shinji Mukohyama, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 0605:076 (2006), arXiv:hep-th/0603010.
- Supersymmetry and the LHC Inverse Problem.
Nima Arkani-Hamed, Gordon L. Kane, Jesse Thaler, and Lian-Tao Wang.
JHEP 0608:070 (2006), arXiv:hep-ph/0512190. - Neutrino Constraints on Spontaneous Lorentz Violation.
Yuval Grossman, Can Kilic, Jesse Thaler, and Devin G. E. Walker.
Phys. Rev. D72:125001 (2005), arXiv:hep-ph/0506216. - Little Technicolor.
Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 0507:024 (2005), arXiv:hep-ph/0502175. - The Littlest Higgs in Anti-de Sitter Space.
Jesse Thaler and Itay Yavin.
JHEP 0508:022 (2005), arXiv:hep-ph/0501036.
- Universal Dynamics of Spontaneous Lorentz Violation and a New Spin-Dependent Inverse-Square Law Force.
Nima Arkani-Hamed, Hsin-Chia Cheng, Markus A. Luty, and Jesse Thaler.
JHEP 0507:029 (2005), arXiv:hep-ph/0407034.
- Dynamics of black hole formation in an exactly solvable model.
Antal Jevicki and Jesse Thaler.
Phys. Rev. D66 024041 (2002), arXiv:hep-th/0203172.
Conference Proceedings
- Exploring the Quantum Universe: Pathways to Innovation and Discovery in Particle Physics.
Shoji Asai, Amalia Ballarino, Tulika Bose, Kyle Cranmer, Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine, Sarah Demers, Cameron Geddes, Yuri Gershtein, Karsten Heeger, Beate Heinemann, JoAnne Hewett, Patrick Huber, Kendall Mahn, Rachel Mandelbaum, Jelena Maricic, Petra Merkel, Christopher Monahan, Hitoshi Murayama, Peter Onyisi, Mark Palmer, Tor Raubenheimer, Mayly Sanchez, Richard Schnee, Sally Seidel, Seon-Hee Seo, Jesse Thaler, Christos Touramanis, Abigail Vieregg, Amanda Weinstein, Lindley Winslow, Tien-Tien Yu, Robert Zwaska.
OSTI Tech. Rep. 2368847, arXiv:2407.19176. - Snowmass Theory Frontier Report.
Nathaniel Craig, Csaba Csáki, Aida X. El-Khadra, et al..
arXiv:2211.05772. - TF07 Snowmass Report: Theory of Collider Phenomena.
Fabio Maltoni, Shufang Su, and Jesse Thaler.
arXiv:2210.02591. - Presenting Unbinned Differential Cross Section Results.
Miguel Arratia, Anja Butter, Mario Campanelli, Vincent Croft, Dag Gillberg, Kristin Lohwasser, Bogdan Malaescu, Vinicius Mikuni, Benjamin Nachman, Juan Rojo, Jesse Thaler, and Ramon Winterhalder.
JINST 17:P01024 (2022), arXiv:2109.13243. - Unveiling Hidden Physics at the LHC.
Oliver Fischer, Bruce Mellado, et al..
Eur. Phys. J. C82:665 (2022), arXiv:2109.06065. - Scaffolding Simulations with Deep Learning for High-dimensional Deconvolution.
Anders Andreassen, Patrick T. Komiske, Eric M. Metodiev, Benjamin Nachman, Adi Suresh, and Jesse Thaler.
ICLR SimDL Workshop 2021, arXiv:2105.04448. - The LHC Olympics 2020: A Community Challenge for Anomaly Detection in High Energy Physics.
Gregor Kasieczka, Benjamin Nachman, David Shih, et al..
Rept. Prog. Phys. 84:124201 (2021), arXiv:2101.08320. - Les Houches 2017: Physics at TeV Colliders Standard Model Working Group Report.
Joshua Bendavid, Fabrizio Caola, Vitaliano Ciulli, Robert Harlander, Gudrun Heinrich, Joey Huston, Stefan Kallweit, Stefan Prestel, Emanuele Re, Kerstin Tackmann, Jesse Thaler, Konstantinos Theofilatos, et al..
arXiv:1803.07977. - Les Houches 2015: Physics at TeV Colliders Standard Model Working Group Report.
Simon Badger, Joshua Bendavid, Vitaliano Ciulli, Ansgar Denner, Rikkert Frederix, Massimiliano Grazzini, Joey Huston, Marek Schoenherr, Kerstin Tackmann, Jesse Thaler, Ciaran Williams, et al..
arXiv:1605.04692. - Towards an Understanding of the Correlations in Jet Substructure.
Ben Cooper, Stephen D. Ellis, Marat Freytsis, Andrew Hornig, Andrew Larkoski, David Lopez Mateos, Brian Shuve, Nhan V. Tran, et al..
Eur. Phys. J. C75:409 (2015), arXiv:1504.00679. - Boosted Objects and Jet Substructure at the LHC.
Marcel Vos, et al..
Eur. Phys. J. C74:2792 (2014), arXiv:1311.2708. - Jet Substructure at the Tevatron and LHC: New results, new tools, new benchmarks.
Lily Asquith, Salvatore Rappoccio, Christopher Vermilion, et al..
J. Phys. G39:063001 (2012), arXiv:1201.0008.
Incidental Authorship
- Long-range near-side correlation in e+e− Collisions at 183-209 GeV with ALEPH Archived Data.
Yu-Chen Chen, Yi Chen, Anthony Badea, Austin Baty, Gian Michele Innocenti, Marcello Maggi, Christopher McGinn, Michael Peters, Tzu-An Sheng, Jesse Thaler, Yen-Jie Lee.
Phys. Lett. B856:138957 (2024), arXiv:2312.05084. - Jet energy spectrum and substructure in e+e− collisions at 91.2 GeV with ALEPH Archived Data.
Yi Chen, Anthony Badea, Austin Baty, Paoti Chang, Yang-Ting Chien, Gian Michele Innocenti, Marcello Maggi, Christopher McGinn, Dennis V. Perepelitsa, Michael Peters, Tzu-An Sheng, Jesse Thaler, Yen-Jie Lee.
JHEP 06:008 (2022), arXiv:2111.09914. - Measurements of two-particle correlations in e+e− collisions at 91 GeV with ALEPH archived data.
Anthony Badea, Austin Baty, Paoti Chang, Gian Michele Innocenti, Marcello Maggi, Christopher McGinn, Michael Peters, Tzu-An Sheng, Jesse Thaler, Yen-Jie Lee.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123:212002 (2019), arXiv:1906.00489. - Design and Implementation of the ABRACADABRA-10 cm Axion Dark Matter Search.
Jonathan L. Ouellet, Chiara P. Salemi, Joshua W. Foster, Reyco Henning, Zachary Bogorad, Janet M. Conrad, Joseph A. Formaggio, Yonatan Kahn, Joe Minervini, Alexey Radovinsky, Nicholas L. Rodd, Benjamin R. Safdi, Jesse Thaler, Daniel Winklehner, Lindley Winslow.
Phys. Rev. D99:052012 (2019), arXiv:1901.10652. - First Results from ABRACADABRA-10 cm: A Search for Sub-μeV Axion Dark Matter.
Jonathan L. Ouellet, Chiara P. Salemi, Joshua W. Foster, Reyco Henning, Zachary Bogorad, Janet M. Conrad, Joseph A. Formaggio, Yonatan Kahn, Joe Minervini, Alexey Radovinsky, Nicholas L. Rodd, Benjamin R. Safdi, Jesse Thaler, Daniel Winklehner, Lindley Winslow.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122:121802 (2019), arXiv:1810.12257. - qSR: a quantitative super-resolution analysis tool reveals the cell-cycle dependent organization of RNA Polymerase I in live human cells.
J. Owen Andrews, William Conway, Won-Ki Cho, Arjun Narayanan, Jan-Hendrik Spille, Namrata Jayanth, Takuma Inoue, Susan Mullen, Jesse Thaler, Ibrahim I.~Cissé.
Scientific Reports 8:7424 (2018). - qSR: A software for quantitative analysis of single molecule and super-resolution data.
J. Owen Andrews, Arjun Narayanan, Jan-Hendrik Spille, Won-Ki Cho, Jesse Thaler, Ibrahim I. Cissé.
bioRXiv:146241. - The DarkLight Experiment: A Precision Search for New Physics at Low Energies.
J. Balewski, J. Bernauer, J. Bessuille, R. Corliss, R. Cowan, C. Epstein, P. Fisher, D. Hasell, E. Ihloff, Y. Kahn, J. Kelsey, R. Milner, S. Steadman, J. Thaler, C. Tschalaer, C. Vidal, S. Benson, J. Boyce, D. Douglas, P. Evtushenko, C. Hernandez-Garcia, C. Keith, C. Tennant, S. Zhang, R. Alarcon, D. Blyth, R. Dipert, L. Ice, G. Randall, B. Dongwi, N. Kalantarians, M. Kohl, A. Liyanage, J. Nazeer, M. Garcon, R. Cervantes, K. Dehmelt, A. Deshpande, N. Feege, B. Surrow.
Public Lectures
- “Centaur Science: Particle Physics meets Machine Learning”, Presidential Lecture, Simons Foundation, December 2024
- “Opening Keynote (with Eric Mazur)”,
Education in the Age of Generative AI,
Perusall Exchange, June 2024
- “Predictably Uncertain: A Physicist’s Perspective on AI Policy”, Off the Record Foreign Policy Association Lecture, New York City Bar Association, March 2024
- “Collision Course: Artificial Intelligence meets Fundamental Physics” video ,
Distinguished Lecture,
National Science Foundation, January 2023
- “Artificial Intelligence Meets Fundamental Physics” video ,
MIT Inside Track Master Class,
EmTech Digital, March 2021
- “Collision Course: Artificial Intelligence meets Fundamental Physics” video ,
Keynote Presentation,
Tommy Flowers Network Conference, October 2020
- “Listening to the Invisible Universe”, Program with A Far Cry: Open Rehearsal of Gravity, Harvard Education Portal, April 2019
- “Confronting the Invisible Universe”, MIT Club of Great Britain Event, London, May 2018
- “Confronting the Invisible Universe” video , Public Talk, Aspen Center for Physics, March 2017
- “The Higgs Boson: Triumph of the Standard Model” video , 24th Annual Kavli Frontiers of Science, National Academy of Sciences, U.C. Irvine, November 2012
- “The Higgs Boson: Triumph of the Standard Model”, Lecture Series Committee, MIT, October 2012
Lecture Series & Schools
- “The (Hidden) Geometry of Particle Collisions”, Summer School on Neurosymbolic Programming, Salem, MA, June 2024
- “The Coming Decade(s) of Particle Physics” video , TASI 2024, CU Boulder, June 2024
- “The Standard Model”, School on Table-Top Experiments for Fundamental Physics, Perimeter Institute, September 2022
- “Confronting the Invisible Universe”, Intro to Modern Physics, MIT Lincoln Labs, March 2022
- “QCD and Collider Physics” (“Overview and Inspiration” video , “From Diagrams to Cross Sections” video , “An Introduction to Jets” video , “A Case Study in Jet Substructure” video ), Lectures on the Theory of Fundamental Interactions, GGI, Florence, January 2020
- “Collider Physics” (“Ingredients and Kinematics”, “From Diagrams to Cross Sections”, “An Introduction to Jets”), Cargese 2018 International Summer School, Corsica, July 2018
- “Jet Substructure” (“Introduction to Jet Substructure at the LHC”, “A New Angle on Jet Substructure”, “Introduction to Jet Physics from QCD”, “Jets at the Frontier of Perturbative QCD”), Theoretical and Experimental Issues on Jet Structure at Hadron Colliders, Kavli IMPU and KEK, January 2017
- “Jet Physics” (“Introduction to Jets” video , “Jet Algorithms” video , “The Soft/Collinear Limit of QCD” video , “The Substructure (R)evolution” video ), MITP Summer School, Mainz, July 2016
- “The Case for Jet Substructure”, Theorist of the Month, DESY, June 2014
- “Jet Substructure” (“Part 1” video , “Part 2” video ), PiTP Summer School, Princeton, July 2013
- “Super-tricks for Superspace” (“Introducing Superspace”, “Fermions & Sfermions”, “SUSY Gauge Theories”, “SUSY Breaking & Goldstinos”), TASI Summer School, C.U. Boulder, June 2012
- “Little Lessons for a Little Higgs” (“Little Higgs”, “Collective Yukawas & Gauge Couplings”, “Little Technicolor & Gauge Boson Partners”), ICTP Winter School, Trieste, January 2012
- “Anticipating New Data from the Energy Frontier” (“Overview”, “The Shape of Jets to Come”, “Event Topologies for Early LHC”, “Goldstini at the LHC”), Topic of the Week Lecture Series, Fermilab, November 2010
- “Entering the LHC Era”, Felix Villars Theoretical Physics Retreat, MIT CTP, January 2010
- “Centaur Science: Particle Physics meets Machine Learning”, Colloquium, U. Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, February 2025
- “Centaur Science: Particle Physics meets Machine Learning”, Physics Colloquium, U. New Hampshire, November 2024
- “Centaur Science: Particle Physics meets Machine Learning”, Physics and Astronomy Colloquium, U. Minnesota, November 2024
- “The Hidden Geometry of Particle Collisions”, Physics Colloquium, UMass Amherst, May 2024
- “The Hidden Geometry of Particle Collisions”, Computer Science Colloquium, Tufts, November 2023
- “Particle Physics through the Lens of Machine Learning”, Physics and Astronomy Colloquium, Northwestern, March 2023
- “Particle Physics through the Lens of Machine Learning”, Physics Colloquium, Technion, January 2023
- “Particle Physics through the Lens of Machine Learning”, Physics Colloquium, Tel Aviv, January 2023
- “Particle Physics through the Lens of Machine Learning” video , Physics Colloquium, Brown, November 2022
- “The Geometry of Particle Collisions: Hidden in Plain Sight”, Physics Colloquium, Brandeis, February 2022
- “Collision Course: Particle Physics meets Machine Learning”,
Physics Colloquium,
U.C. San Diego, May 2021
- “Collision Course: Particle Physics meets Machine Learning”,
Physics and Astronomy Colloquium,
U. New Mexico, April 2021
- “Collision Course: Particle Physics meets Machine Learning”,
Physics Colloquium,
U.C. Santa Barbara, April 2021
- “Collision Course: Particle Physics meets Machine Learning”,
Physics Colloquium,
Northern Illinois University, February 2021
- “Collision Course: Particle Physics meets Machine Learning”,
Nordita Colloquium,
Stockholm University, February 2021
- “Collision Course: Particle Physics meets Machine Learning”,
Physics Colloquium,
University of Chicago, February 2021
- “The Hidden Geometry of Particle Collisions”,
Particle Physics Colloquium,
KIT Karlsruhe, November 2020
- “Collision Course: Particle Physics meets Machine Learning” video ,
Physics Colloquium,
All Israel, November 2020
- “Collision Course: Particle Physics meets Machine Learning”,
Physics Colloquium,
Harvard, November 2020
- “Collision Course: Particle Physics meets Machine Learning”,
Physics Colloquium,
University of Maryland, October 2020
- “The Future is Open: Adventures with Public Collider Data”,
Fermilab, September 2020
- “The Hidden Geometry of Particle Collisions”,
Theory Colloquium,
CERN, May 2020
- “Collision Course: Particle Physics meets Machine Learning”, Physics Colloquium, Case Western Reserve University, November 2019
- “Collision Course: Particle Physics meets Machine Learning”, Physics and Astronomy Colloquium, Rice University, October 2019
- “Collision Course: Particle Physics meets Machine Learning”, Physics Colloquium, Oakland University, October 2019
- “Collision Course: Particle Physics meets Machine Learning”, Physics Colloquium, Tufts University, September 2019
- “Jet Substructure at the Frontiers of Particle Physics”, Physics Colloquium, University of Milan, March 2018
- “Jet Substructure at the Frontiers of Particle Physics”, Physics Colloquium, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, October 2017
- “New Physics Gets a Boost: Jet Substructure at the Large Hadron Collider”, Colloquium, Perimeter Institute, May 2017
- “New Physics Gets a Boost: Jet Substructure at the Large Hadron Collider”, Physics Colloquium, U.C. Berkeley, April 2017
- “New Physics Gets a Boost: Jet Substructure at the Large Hadron Collider”, Physics Colloquium, University of Texas, Austin, March 2017
- “New Physics Gets a Boost: Jet Substructure at the Large Hadron Collider”, Physics Colloquium, MIT, October 2016
- “New Physics Gets a Boost: Jet Substructure at the Large Hadron Collider”, Physics and Astronomy Colloquium, University of California, Riverside, October 2016
- “New Physics Gets a Boost: Jet Substructure at the Large Hadron Collider”, Physics Colloquium, University at Buffalo, September 2016
- “Jet Substructure: Boosting the Search for New Physics at the LHC”, Physics Colloquium, University of Chicago, May 2016
- “Jet Substructure: Boosting the Search for New Physics at the LHC”, Physics Colloquium, Michigan State University, January 2016
- “The Rise of Jet Substructure: Boosting the Search for New Physics at the LHC”, Physics Colloquium, U.C. Santa Cruz, November 2015
- “The Rise of Jet Substructure: Boosting the Search for New Physics at the LHC”, Physics Colloquium, Brandeis, September 2015
- “The Case for Jet Substructure”, Physics Colloquium, Caltech, November 2014
- “The Case for Jet Substructure”, Colloquium, MIT Laboratory for Nuclear Science, April 2014
- “(Non)perturbative QCD and Jet Substructure”, Triangle Nuclear Theory Colloquium, Duke University, March 2014
- “(Non)perturbative QCD and Jet Substructure”, Theory Colloquium, University of Maryland, October 2013
- “The Shape of Jets to Come: Boosting the Search for New Physics at the LHC”, Physics Colloquium, University of Oregon, May 2013
- “The Shape of Jets to Come: Boosting the Search for New Physics at the LHC”, Physics Colloquium, Cornell University, February 2013
- “Anticipating New Data from the Energy Frontier”, Physics Colloquium, Brown University, February 2011
- “The Large Hadron Collider”, Physics Colloquium, Wellesley College, October 2010
- “The Shape of Jets to Come”, Colloquium, MIT Laboratory for Nuclear Science, February 2010
Invited Talks
- “What is Particle Theory? (Machine Learning Edition)”, What is Particle Theory?, KITP, January 2025
- “Interpretable Machine Learning for Particle Physics”, PHYSTAT: Statistics Meets Machine Learning, Imperial College London, September 2024
- “Interpretable Machine Learning for Particle Physics”, DPF-Pheno 2024, U. Pittsburg & Carnegie Mellon, May 2024
- “Perspectives on AI + Physics”,
Panel on Public Affairs,
American Physical Society, February 2024
- “The Hidden Geometry of Particle Collisions”, International Conference on Machine Learning Physics, YITP, Kyoto, November 2023
- “The Hidden Geometry of Particle Collisions”, 2023 Mathematics and Physical Sciences Annual Meeting, Simons Foundation, October 2023
- “The Hidden Geometry of Particle Collisions”, Pritzker Conference on AI+Science, UChicago and Caltech, March 2023
- “Learning Uncertainties the Frequentist Way”, Theoretical Physics for Machine Learning, Aspen Center for Physics, February 2023
- “The Frontiers of Phenomenological Theory”, Snowmass Community Summer Study, U. Washington, Seattle, July 2022
- “Weak Supervision for the Strong Force” video ,
QUC Summer School,
KIAS, July 2022
- “Weak Supervision for the Strong Force” video ,
Physics Meets ML,
Virtual, June 2022
- “Machine Learning in Collider Physics”, Snowmass Energy Frontier Workshop, Brown, March 2022
- “Optimal Transport for QCD and Jets”, Flowing into the Future, Simons Center, Stony Brook, March 2022
- “Machine Learning for the Theory Frontier” video , Snowmass Theory Frontier Conference, KITP, February 2022
- “AI and Science”,
Digital Event,
CACM, February 2022
- “Collision Course: Particle Physics meets Machine Learning”,
PhD Open Days,
IST Lisbon, November 2021
- “Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Physics”,
LISHEP 2021,
Brazil, July 2021
- “Artificial Intelligence and High-Energy Physics”,
Master Your Physics,
U. Amsterdam, June 2021
- “Theory Perspective on Machine Learning for Jets”,
Jets and their Substructure from LHC Data,
CERN-TH Workshop, June 2021
- “QCD and Jets through the Lens of Machine Learning”,
Machine Learning Techniques in Lattice QCD,
MITP Workshop, May 2021
- “Deep Learning for Collider Physics Simulation” video ,
Deep Learning for Simulation (SimDL),
ICLR Workshop, May 2021
- “Artificial Intelligence and High-Energy Physics”,
Recent Advances in Theoretical Physics,
APS April Meeting, April 2021
- “QCD and Jets through the Lens of Machine Learning” (with Frédéric Dreyer),
New Physics from Precision at High Energies,
KITP, Santa Barbara, March 2021
- “Artificial Intelligence for Physics Discovery: Theory Perspective”, Session on Artificial Intelligence for Physics, AAAS Annual Meeting, February 2021
- “Machine Learning for Fundamental Physics”,
Program on High Energy Physics,
HKUST IAS, January 2021
- “Collider Physics and Machine Learning” video ,
XXVI Christmas Workshop,
IFT, December 2020
- “Collision Course: Artificial Intelligence meets Fundamental Interactions” video ,
IDEaS AI Seminar,
Georgia Tech, November 2020
- “Deep Learning (and Deep Thinking) for QCD”, QCD@LHC 2019, Buffalo, July 2019
- “Deep Learning (and Deep Thinking) in Collider Physics”, Pheno 2019, Pittsburg, May 2019
- “Collision Course: Particle Physics as a Machine-Learning Testbed”, Deep Learning in the Natural Sciences, U. Hamburg, February 2019
- “Collision Course: Particle Physics as a Machine-Learning Testbed”, Theoretical Physics for Machine Learning, Aspen Center for Physics, January 2019
- “A Theorist’s Perspective on Machine Learning for Jets”, Machine Learning for Jet Physics, Fermilab, November 2018
- “New Improvements in Jet Physics”, SUSY 2018, Barcelona, July 2018
- “Theory Summary”, Boost 2018, Paris, July 2018
- “The Future is Open: Jet Substructure with CMS Public Data”, CMS Week, CERN, June 2018
- “The Future is Open: Jet Substructure with CMS Public Data”, LHC and the Standard Model: Physics and Tools, CERN, June 2017
- “Recent Progress in Jet Physics”, From the LHC to Dark Matter and Beyond, Aspen Center for Physics, March 2017
- “New Frontiers in Dark Matter Detection”, APS April Meeting, Washington, DC, January 2017
- “Prospects for Cosmic Axion Detection with ABRACADABRA”, GPMFC Workshop on Ultralight Dark Matter, Washington, DC, January 2017
- “Using Jets and QCD to Boost the Search for New Physics”, Physics in LHC and Early Universe, U. Tokyo, January 2017
- “The Shape of Jets to Come”, Boost 2016, Zurich, July 2016
- “Theoretical Advances in Jet Substructure”, Stress-testing the Standard Model at the LHC, KITP, Santa Barbara, May 2016
- “Jet Substructure: Boosting the Search for New Physics at the LHC”, APS April Meeting, Salt Lake City, April 2016
- “Theoretical Advances in Jet Substructure”, Rencontres de Moriond QCD, La Thuile, March 2016
- “Theoretical Advances in Jet Substructure”, Particle Physics on the Verge of Another Discovery, Aspen Center for Physics, January 2016
- “Probing the Core of QCD”, Boost 2015, Chicago, August 2015
- “Unsafe but Calculable: Jets at the Frontier of Perturbative QCD”, PASCOS 2015, ICTP, Trieste, July 2015
- “Pushing the Frontiers of Perturbative QCD”, Pheno 2015, Pittsburg, May 2015
- “Hidden Sectors and Dark Forces”, BLV 2015, UMass Amherst, April 2015
- “Physics Opportunities for Future Circular Colliders”, FCC Week, Washington, DC, March 2015
- “Jets in QCD: The Case for Jet Substructure”, Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum XI, St. Petersburg, September 2014
- “New Observables for Jet Substructure”, 43rd International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD13), Chicago, September 2013
- “The Case for Jet Substructure”, SEARCH 2013, Stonybrook, August 2013
- “Theoretical Progress in Dissecting Jets”, Boost 2013, Flagstaff, August 2013
- “Supersymmetry at the Frontiers”, Snowmass on the Pacific, KITP, Santa Barbara, May 2013
- “Jet Substructure and N-subjettiness”, Monte Carlo for Beyond the Standard Model 2012, Cornell, March 2012
- “Big Questions in Particle Physics”, PANIC11, MIT, July 2011
- “Two Views of the Universe”, Hadron Collider Physics Symposium, Toronto, August 2010
- “Supersymmetry Breaks (Again)”, Honoring Gerry Guralnik’s 2010 Sakurai Prize, Brown University, May 2010
- “Goldstini”, Emerging Problems in Particle Phenomenology, ITS/CUNY, April 2010
- “The Window to the Terascale”, Physics in the LHC Era, Aspen Center for Physics, February 2009
- “Flavor Physics from Quantum Entanglement?”, HEP Theory Seminar, U. Minnesota, November 2024
- “What Observables are Safe to Calculate?”, Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics Seminar, Harvard CMSA, April 2024
- “Quarks and Gluons through the Lens of Machine Learning”, IPNS Physics and Theory Joint Seminar, KEK, November 2023
- “Learning Uncertainties the Frequentist Way”,
PHYSTAT, January 2023
- “The Geometry of Particle Collisions: Hidden in Plain Sight”, Israel Joint Seminar, Jerusalem, January 2023
- “Machine Learning for the Skeptical HEP Theorist”, Seminar, Brown, November 2022
- “The Geometry of Particle Collisions: Hidden in Plain Sight”,
Bern, May 2022
- “Quantum (Inspired) Algorithms for Collider Physics”,
SLAC, April 2022
- “The Geometry of Particle Collisions: Hidden in Plain Sight”,
UT Austin, April 2022
- “The Hidden Geometry of Particle Collisions”,
Sussex, March 2022
- “The Geometry of Particle Collisions: Hidden in Plain Sight”, MIT Stochastics and Statistics Seminar, MIT, December 2021
- “Quantum (Inspired) Algorithms for Collider Physics” video ,
QuantHEP Seminar,
Lisbon, November 2021
- “The Hidden Geometry of Particle Collisions”,
Zurich, October 2021
- “The Hidden Geometry of Particle Collisions” video ,
Tea Break Seminar,
GGI, June 2021
- “A Few Collisions between Particle Physics and Machine Learning”,
STAMPS Group Meeting,
CMU, June 2021
- “The Hidden Geometry of Particle Collisions”,
Joint Heidelberg Teilchentee,
MITP Workshop Seminar, June 2021
- “The Hidden Geometry of Particle Collisions”,
IPPP Durham, May 2021
- “The Hidden Geometry of Particle Collisions”,
Munich, April 2021
- “The Hidden Geometry of Particle Collisions”,
Joint HEP Seminar,
Florida, April 2021
- “The Hidden Geometry of Particle Collisions”,
Oxford, February 2021
- “The Hidden Geometry of Particle Collisions”,
Particle Physics in Paris,
Paris, February 2021
- “The Hidden Geometry of Particle Collisions” video ,
U.C. Davis, November 2020
- “The Hidden Geometry of Particle Collisions”,
U.C. San Diego, November 2020
- “The Hidden Geometry of Particle Collisions”,
Research Progress Meeting,
LBNL, November 2020
- “The Hidden Geometry of Particle Collisions”,
Cambridge, October 2020
- “The Hidden Geometry of Particle Collisions” video ,
TIFR, June 2020
- “Quantum Algorithms for Collider Physics”, Informal Talk, Case Western, November 2019
- “Data-Driven Approaches to Jet Quenching”, Informal Talk, Rice, October 2019
- “The Space of Collider Events”, Seminar, Ljubljana, June 2019
- “The Space of Collider Events”, Seminar, SLAC, April 2019
- “The Space of Collider Events”, Seminar, U.C. Santa Cruz, April 2019
- “Collision Course: Particle Physics meets Machine Learning”, Tech Talk, Google X, April 2019
- “The Space of Collider Events”, Seminar, Boston U., March 2019
- “Collision Course: Particle Physics as a Machine-Learning Testbed”, Seminar, Brandeis, February 2019
- “Deep Sets for Particle Jets”, Seminar, U. Michigan, November 2018
- “Deep Sets for Particle Jets”, Seminar, New York U., October 2018
- “Collision Course: Particle Physics as a Machine-Learning Testbed”, Seminar, PDT Partners, October 2018
- “On the Topic of Jets”, Seminar, U. Cambridge, May 2018
- “On the Topic of Jets”, Seminar, Milano Bicocca, March 2018
- “On the Topic of Jets”, Seminar, Genova, March 2018
- “On the Topic of Jets”, Seminar, Carleton, February 2018
- “Towards Systematic Jet Dissection”, Seminar, Yale, December 2017
- “The Future is Open: Jet Substructure with CMS Public Data”, Seminar, Yale, December 2017
- “Casimir Meets Poisson”, Seminar, U.C. Berkeley, April 2017
- “Casimir Meets Poisson”, Seminar, U. Texas, March 2017
- “A New Angle on Jet Substructure”, Seminar, SUNY Stony Brook, October 2016
- “A New Angle on Jet Substructure”, Seminar, Rutgers, October 2016
- “A New Angle on Jet Substructure”, Seminar, Boston U., September 2016
- “Probing the Core of QCD with Jet Substructure”, Joint Experimental-Theoretical Physics Seminar, Fermilab, May 2016
- “Probing the Core of QCD with Jet Substructure”, Seminar, Princeton, May 2016
- “Probing the Core of QCD with Jet Substructure”, Seminar, CERN, March 2016
- “Hidden Sectors and Dark Forces”, Seminar, Ohio State University, January 2016
- “Unsafe but Calculable”, Seminar, University of Toronto, December 2015
- “Lessons from DarkLight for Invisible Dark Photon Searches”,
NEXT Collaboration, December 2015
- “Minimal Supersymmetric Slow-roll Inflation”, Seminar, Stanford, November 2015
- “Jet Substructure at a Future Hadron Collider”,
VHEPP Forum,
Fermilab, October 2015
- “What is Sudakov Safety?”, Seminar, U. Michigan, February 2015
- “What is Sudakov Safety?”, Seminar, U. Minnesota, February 2015
- “Jet Substructure and the Frontiers of QCD”, Seminar, Université Catholique de Louvain, January 2015
- “(In)direct Detection of Boosted Dark Matter”, Seminar, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, January 2015
- “Sudakov Safety”, Seminar, Caltech, November 2014
- “(Non)perturbative QCD and Jet Substructure”, Seminar, UMass Amherst, October 2014
- “(Non)perturbative QCD and Jet Substructure”, Seminar, Perimeter I., October 2014
- “Anomaly Mediation from Unbroken Supergravity”, Seminar, U. Chicago, April 2014
- “Anomaly Mediation from Unbroken Supergravity”, Seminar, U.C. Irvine, January 2014
- “Jets Without Jets”, Seminar, Caltech, January 2014
- “Jets Without Jets”, Seminar, U.C. Berkeley, December 2013
- “Jets Without Jets”, Seminar, Boston U., December 2013
- “(Non)perturbative QCD and Jet Substructure”, Seminar, U. Oregon, May 2013
- “The Shape of Jets to Come”, Seminar, U. Delaware, April 2013
- “(Non)perturbative QCD and Jet Substructure”, Seminar, Boston U., September 2012
- “The Two Faces of Anomaly Mediation”, Seminar, SLAC, April 2012
- “The Two Faces of Anomaly Mediation”, Seminar, Princeton, March 2012
- “The Two Faces of Anomaly Mediation”, Seminar, Rutgers, March 2012
- “The Two Faces of Anomaly Mediation”, Seminar, New York U., January 2012
- “Goldstini at the LHC”, Seminar, Columbia U., January 2012
- “Goldstini at the LHC”, Seminar, U. New Hampshire, November 2011
- “N-subjettiness”, Seminar, U. Maryland, October 2011
- “N-subjettiness”, Seminar, U. Michigan, October 2011
- “The Spectrum of Goldstini”, Seminar, U. Minnesota, June 2011
- “N-subjettiness”, Seminar, U.C. Davis, March 2011
- “N-subjettiness”, Seminar, U.C. Berkeley, March 2011
- “Aspects of Goldstini”, Seminar, Cornell, October 2010
- “Aspects of Goldstini”, Seminar, Boston U., October 2010
- “Aspects of Goldstini”, Seminar, Harvard, September 2010
- “Aspects of Goldstini”, Seminar, SLAC, June 2010
- “Goldstini”, Particle Theory Seminar, Yale University, April 2010
- “Goldstini”, Joint Theory Seminar, SUNY Stony Brook/Brookhaven National Laboratory, March 2010
- “Cosmic Signal from the Hidden Sector”, Seminar, U.C. Santa Cruz, November 2009
- “Dark Force Detection in Low Energy e-p Collisions”, Seminar, U.C. Davis, October 2009
- “Cosmic Signals from the Hidden Sector”, Seminar, Fermilab, October 2009
- “Cosmic Signals from the Hidden Sector”, Seminar, Argonne N.L., October 2009
- “Standard Model Background Estimation”, Invasion Seminar, U.C. Berkeley, September 2009
- “Dark Matter through the Axion Portal”, Seminar, Johns Hopkins, May 2009
- “Dark Matter through the Axion Portal”, Seminar, U. Maryland, May 2009
- “Collective Quartics and Dangerous Singlets in Little Higgs”, Seminar, SLAC, April 2009
- “Dark Matter through the Axion Portal”, Seminar, Rutgers, April 2009
- “Dark Matter through the Axion Portal”, Seminar, MIT, February 2009
- “Dark Matter through the Axion Portal”, Seminar, Cornell, November 2008
- “The Dark Top”, Seminar, U.C. Berkeley, September 2008
- “GenEvA: A New Framework for Event Generation”, Seminar, U.C. Davis, June 2008
- “GenEvA: A New Framework for Event Generation”, Seminar, Ohio State, May 2008
- “GenEvA: A New Framework for Event Generation”, Seminar, MIT, April 2008
- “GenEvA: A New Framework for Event Generation”, Seminar, U. Arizona, March 2008
- “GenEvA: A New Framework for Event Generation”, Seminar, U. Texas, March 2008
- “GenEvA: A New Framework for Event Generation”, Seminar, SLAC, February 2008
- “GenEvA: A New Framework for Event Generation”, Seminar, Princeton, November 2007
- “GenEvA: A New Framework for Event Generation”, Seminar, Rutgers, November 2007
- “Particle Theory and Monte Carlo”, Seminar, Stanford, November 2007
- “Natural/Unnatural”, Seminar, U.C. San Diego, April 2007
- “Natural/Unnatural”, Seminar, U. Michigan, February 2007
- “Natural/Unnatural”, Seminar, Princeton, February 2007
- “Di-Higgs at Dimension Six”, Seminar, Weizmann I., January 2007
- “MARMOSET: Signal-Based Monte Carlo for the LHC”, Seminar, Neve Shalom, January 2007
- “Di-Higgs at Dimension Six”, Seminar, Technion, January 2007
- “Unified Frameworks for the LHC”, Seminar, U. Washington, December 2006
- “Di-Higgs at Dimension Six”, Seminar, SLAC, October 2007
- “Unified Frameworks for the LHC”, Seminar, U.C. Davis, October 2006
- “Unified Frameworks for the LHC”, Seminar, U.C. Irvine, October 2006
- “Supersymmetry and the LHC Inverse Problem”, Seminar, U. Chicago (CDF), March 2006
- “Supersymmetry and the LHC Inverse Problem”, Seminar, U. Minnesota, March 2006
- “Supersymmetry and the LHC Inverse Problem”, Seminar, Perimeter I., March 2006
- “Supersymmetry and the LHC Inverse Problem”, Seminar, Rutgers, December 2005
- “Supersymmetry and the LHC Inverse Problem”, Seminar, U. Pennsylvannia, December 2005
- “Supersymmetry and the LHC Inverse Problem”, Seminar, Princeton, November 2005
- “Supersymmetry and the LHC Inverse Problem”, Seminar, U.C. Berkeley, November 2005
- “Confronting a Degenerate MSSM at the LHC”, Seminar, Stanford, October 2005
- “Supersymmetry and the LHC Inverse Problem”, Seminar, Johns Hopkins, October 2005
- “The Degenerate MSSM”, Seminar, U. Texas, October 2005
- “Little Technicolor”, Seminar, Boston U., April 2005
- “Little Technicolor”, Seminar, New York U., March 2005
- “AI in High Energy and Nuclear Physics”
, Office of Science Roundtables, Department of Energy, October 2024 - “Institute Sustainability/Navigating the AI Research Funding Landscape”
, Summit for AI Institutes Leadership (SAIL), Pittsburgh, October 2024 - “Cosmic Explorer Connections to DOE Science”
, Second Cosmic Explorer Symposium, CE Collaboration, April 2024virtual
- “Physics, AI, and the Future of Discovery”
video , AIP Foundation Live Event, American Institute of Physics, April 2024 - “What is Needed for Generative AI to Fulfill its Promise in Physics?”
, Symposium on the Impact of Generative AI in the Physical Sciences, IAIFI, MIT, March 2024 - “Supporting Learners through Technology and Course Iteration”
, Festival of Learning, MIT, January 2024 - “What Discoveries and New Techniques will be Enabled by AI?”
, AI Winter Workshop, Brown, January 2024 - “Institutional Support and Funding for ML+PS”
, Workshop on Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences, NeurIPS, December 2023 - “Reinventing the Learner Experience”
, Generative AI + Education Symposium, MIT, November 2023 - “Seven Inaugural AI Institutes”
, Summit for AI Institutes Leadership (SAIL), Georgia Tech, October 2023 - “ML Connections between Industry and HEP”
, ML4Jets 2020, Rutgers, November 2022 - “Does the World Need a New Particle Collider – And Why?”
video , First ECFA Workshop on Higgs/EW/Top Factories, European Committee for Future Accelerators, Hamburg, October 2022virtual
- “The Current Limits of AI in Science”
, Workshop on AI and the Productivity of Science, OECD, November 2021virtual
Local Presentations
- “Deep Learning + Deep Thinking = Deeper Understanding”, Breakfast Talk, MIT School of Science, October 2024
- “Deep Learning + Deep Thinking = Deeper Understanding”, IET London Event, MIT School of Science, May 2024
- “Deep Learning + Deep Thinking = Deeper Understanding”, Visit from Permanent Secretary of Singapore for National Research and Development, MIT, April 2024
- “Deep Learning + Deep Thinking = Deeper Understanding”, Faculty Lunch, MIT Physics, April 2024
- “Deep Learning + Deep Thinking = Deeper Understanding”, Breakfast in Palo Alto, MIT Physics, March 2024
- “The Coming Decade(s) of Nuclear and Particle Physics”, Physics Colloquium (with Lindley Winslow), MIT, February 2024
- “NSF Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Interactions”, Lunch Seminar, MIT EECS, December 2023
- “Deep Learning: Lessons from the Launch of IAIFI”, Faculty Lunch, MIT Physics, May 2022
- “SPS/PGSC Career Panel”, Career Panel, MIT Physics, November 2021
- “IAIFI at MIT Physics”, Open House, Warrior-Scholar Program, July 2021
- “The NSF AI Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Interactions”, Lunch Seminar, MIT AI+D, September 2020
- “Making the Cut - Job Searching During a COVID-19 Economy”, Panel Discussion, MIT Postdoctoral Association, June 2020
- “Collision Course: Particle Physics meets Machine Learning”, Faculty Lunch, MIT Physics, September 2019
- “Basics of Axion Detection”, Reece Group Meeting, Harvard, March 2019
- “The Quantum Georgi Jet Algorithm”, Particle Theory Family Meeting, Harvard, October 2018
- “The Nuts and Bolts of Academic Job Search”, Panel Discussion, MIT Graduate Student Council, July 2018
- “(B)SM Physics”, Graduate Student Lunch, MIT Physics, November 2016
- “Jet Substructure”, Tenure-Track Faculty Lunch, MIT School of Science, November 2015
- “Implications of the Higgs Boson”, Orientation Lecture, MIT PhysPOP, August 2013
- “The Higgs Boson: Keystone of the Standard Model”, Presentation, MIT MISTI, April 2013
- “Dark Matter Beyond the Standard Model”, Presentation, MIT Astronomical Event, October 2012
- “Hints of New Physics at the Energy Frontier”, Alumni Breakfast, MIT Physics, May 2012
- “Beyond the Standard Model at the Frontiers”, Orientation Lecture, MIT PhysPOP, August 2011
- “Goldstini at the LHC”, Visiting Committee Presentation, MIT Physics, October 2010
- “Supersymmetry Breaks (Again)”, Faculty Lunch, MIT Physics, April 2010
- “The LHC Won’t Destroy the Planet (But Will Spark a Revolution)”, IAP Lecture, MIT Physics, January 2010
- “Beyond the Standard Model at the Energy Frontier”, Grad Lunch Seminar, MIT CTP, October 2009
Additional Events
- Participant, 2024 Mathematics and Physical Sciences Annual Meeting, Simons Foundation, October 2024
- Participant, Energy Correlators at the Collider Frontier, MITP, July 2024
- Participant, Fundamental Physics in the Era of Big Data and Machine Learning, Aspen Center for Physics, May 2024
- Participant, Second Annual U.S. Future Circular Collider Workshop, MIT, March 2024
- Participant, The revolutionary impact and emerging challenges of generative AI in STEM research and education, Harvard/MIT, January 2024
- “Experiences and Centers: IAIFI”, AI 4 Science, Harvard, February 2024
- Participant, Hammers & Nails 2023, Switzerland, October 2023
- Participant, AI Hill Day, National Science Foundation, September 2023
- Participant, New Opportunities in High Energy Physics, Aspen Center for Physics, June 2023
- Participant, Summit for AI Institutes Leadership (SAIL), Asilomar, December 2022
- Participant, 2022 Mathematics and Physical Sciences Annual Meeting, Simons Foundation, October 2022
- “Machine Learning for High Energy Physics” video , Machine Learning at GGI, GGI, August 2022
- Participant, Summiting the Unknown: New Physics, New Opportunities, New Voices, U. Washington, July 2022
- Participant, Interplay of Fundamental Physics and Machine Learning, Aspen Center for Physics, June 2022
- “The NSF AI Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Interactions”,
USDA/NSF AI Institutes Panel,
AAAI-22, February 2022
- Convener,
Collider Data Analysis Strategies,
Snowmass Community Planning Meeting, October 2020
- Convener,
Advances in Event Generation and Detector Simulation,
Snowmass Community Planning Meeting, October 2020
- “Welcome”,
CMS Open Data Workshop for Theorists,
Fermilab LPC, September 2020
- Participant,
BOOST 2020,
BOOST 2020, July 2020
- Participant,
Anomaly Detection Mini-Workshop,
DESY, July 2020
- Participant, ML4Jets 2020, NYU, January 2019
- “Deep Learning (and Deep Thinking) in Collider Physics”, US ATLAS Workshop, UMass Amherst, August 2019
- Participant, Boost 2019, MIT, July 2019
- “Voyages into Machine Learning”, Voyages Beyond the Standard Model III, Zadar, Croatia, July 2019
- “Quantum Algorithms for Collider Physics”, DOE Quantum Information Science Kick Off Meeting, Rockville, MD, January 2019
- Participant, Boosted Objects for New Physics Searches, Fermilab, November 2018
- Participant, 2018 Mathematics and Physical Sciences Annual Meeting, Simons Foundation, October 2018
- “The Energy Flow Basis”, Reconstruction, Trigger, and Machine Learning for the HL-LHC, MIT, April 2018
- Participant, IsoDAR Workshop, MIT, January 2018
- Participant, Jet Physics Mini-Workshop, MIT, January 2018
- “The Future is Open: Jet Substructure with CMS Public Data”,
Reinterpretation Forum Workshop,
Fermilab, October 2017
- Participant, Boost 2017, Buffalo, July 2017
- “Jet Studies for Les Houches”, Physics at TeV Colliders Workshop, Les Houches, June 2017
- “Report of the Les Houches Jet Physics Subgroup”, Physics at TeV Colliders Workshop, Les Houches, June 2017
- “Aspects of Jets from First Principles”,
Jets @ LHC Discussion Meeting,
ICTS, Bengaluru, January 2017
- “Jet Substructure from Protons to Ions”, Heavy Ions for 2020 Workshop, MIT, October 2016
- Participant, The LHC Awakens: A New Energy Frontier, Aspen Center for Physics, August 2016
- “Discussion of the ATLAS Diboson Excess”, Gearing up for LHC13, GGI, September 2015
- “Report of the Les Houches Quark/Gluon Subgroup”, Physics at TeV Colliders Workshop, Les Houches, June 2015
- “Jet Studies for Les Houches”, Physics at TeV Colliders Workshop, Les Houches, June 2015
- “Lessons from Jet Substructure for Heavy Ions”,
ALICE Jet Workshop,
Yale, May 2015
- “Thoughts on Track-Based Observables”,
Standard Model @ LHC,
GGI, April 2015
- “The Case for Jet Substructure”,
International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS14),
Belgrade, October 2014
- “Mutual Information and Quark/Gluon Discrimination”, Boost 2014, London, August 2014
- Participant, Debates on the Nature of Dark Matter, Harvard, May 2014
- Participant, Boston Jet Physics Workshop, MIT, January 2014
- “Unsafe but Calculable”, Boost 2013, Flagstaff, August 2013
- “N-jettiness as a Jet Algorithm”,
Brookhaven, April 2013
- “Progress in Jet Substructure”, The LHC Shows the Way, Aspen Center for Physics, August 2012
- “Progress in N-subjettiness”, Boost 2012, Valencia, July 2012
- Participant, SEARCH 2012, U. Maryland, March 2012
- “Goldstini”, SUSY 2011, Fermilab, August 2011
- “N-subjettiness”, TH-LPCC Summer Institute on LHC Physics, CERN, August 2011
- Participant, Year One of the LHC, Aspen Center for Physics, July 2011
- “Big Questions in Particle Physics”, PANIC11, MIT, July 2011
- “N-subjettiness”, PANIC11, MIT, July 2011
- “N-subjettiness”, Boost 2011, Princeton, May 2011
- Participant, New Data from the Energy Frontier, Aspen Center for Physics, February 2011
- Participant, Boston Jet Physics Workshop, Harvard, January 2011
- “Introducing the DarkLight Experiment”, Searching for a New Gauge Boson at JLab, Jefferson Lab, September 2010
- “Post-event Recap”, Implications of First LHC Data, MIT, August 2010
- Participant, From Colliders to the Dark Sector, Aspen Center for Physics, June 2010
- “Supermodels for Early LHC”, West Coast ATLAS Forum, SLAC, November 2009
- “Search for New Light Bosons in Electron-Proton Collisions Using the JLab FEL”, Dark Forces Workshop, SLAC, September 2009
- “The Bestest Little Higgs”, Physics at the LHC, CERN, August 2009
- “Cosmic Signals from the Hidden Sector”, Physics at the LHC, CERN, August 2009
- Participant, Beyond the Standard Model Physics at the Threshold, Aspen Center for Physics, July 2009
- “Variable Jet Sizes and Anti-kT”, US ATLAS Hadronic Final State Forum, SLAC, April 2009
- “The NLO Cascade”, SCET 2009, MIT, March 2009
- “Dark Matter through the Axion Portal”, LHC and Dark Matter Workshop, MCTP, Michigan, January 2009
- “Towards an NLO Cascade”, New Physics Beyond the Standard Model, KITPC, Beijing, October 2008
- “GenEvA: A New Framework for Event Generation”, New Physics Beyond the Standard Model, KITPC, Beijing, October 2008
- “GenEvA: A New Framework for Event Generation”, Beyond the Standard Model Signals in a QCD Environment, Aspen Center for Physics, August 2008
- “GenEvA: A New Framework for Event Generation”, LHC from Data to Discovery, LANL, July 2008
- “GenEvA: A New Framework for Event Generation”, Vector Boson Plus Jets Production, LBL, March 2008
- “GenEvA: A New Framework for Event Generation”, Physics of the Large Hadron Collider, KITP, Santa Barbara, February 2008
- Participant, West Coast LHC Theory Network, SLAC, January 2008
- “GenEvA: A New Framework for Event Generation”, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP, January 2008
- “GenEvA: Generate Events Analytically”, New Physics and the LHC, CERN BSM Institute, August 2007
- “Good Things Come to Those Who Weight”, Eötvös-Cornell BTSM Workshop, Eötvös University, June 2007
- “MARMOSET”, West Coast LHC Theory Network, U.C. Irvine, May 2007
- “MARMOSET”, Physics at LHC from Experiment to Theory, PCTP, Princeton, March 2007
- “MARMOSET”, West Coast LHC Theory Network, U.C. Davis, December 2006
- “Little M-theory”, Joint Meeting of APS-DPF and JPS 2006, Waikiki, Hawaii, October 2006
- “Little M-theory”, LHC Olympics III, KITP, Santa Barbara, August 2006
- “The Harvard Black Box”, LHC Olympics II, CERN, February 2006
- “The Degenerate MSSM”, LHC Olympics, CERN, July 2005
- “Little Technicolor”, SUSY 2005, IPPP, Durham, July 2005
- “The Degenerate MSSM”, SUSY 2005, IPPP, July 2005
- “Universal Dynamics of Spontaneous Lorentz-Violation”, Fundamental Symmetries and Fundamental Constants, ICTP, Trieste, September 2004
Research Grants
- Unrestricted Gift, “Interpretation of Multimodal Images from Astronomy”, Google, 2023 ($50k)
- Simons Investigator in Physics, Simons Foundation, 2023-2028 ($960k)
- AI Research Institute, “Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Interactions (IAIFI)”, National Science Foundation, 2020-2025 ($20M)
- MIT-Israel Zuckerman STEM Fund Award (with Tracy Slatyer, Tomer Volansky, Yotam Soreq), “The Quest for Dark Matter Interactions”, MIT International Science and Technology Initiative (MISTI), 2020-2023 ($25.5k)
- PIER Hamburg-MIT Seed Project (with Gregor Kasieczka, Phil Harris, Andreas Hinzmann, Roman Kogler, Iain Stewart), “Probing the Standard Model with Jet Substructure”, Partnership for Innovation, Education and Research (PIER), 2019-2020 (€17k)
- Quantum Information Science (QuantISED) Award (with Aram Harrow), “Quantum Algorithms for Collider Physics”, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of High Energy Physics, 2018-2020 ($264k)
- Simons Fellowship, “Theoretical Investigations In and Beyond the Standard Model”, Simons Foundation, 2018-2019 ($142.8k)
- Comparative Review Funding Award, “Boosting the Search for New Physics at the Frontiers”, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of High Energy Physics, 2016-2017 ($120k)
- The Charles E. Reed Faculty Initiatives Fund, “Boosting Jet Physics with Archival Collider Data”, MIT Research Support Committee, 2015-2017 ($75k)
- MIT-Belgium Seed Fund Award (with Fabio Maltoni), “Beyond the Standard Model at the LHC”, MIT International Science and Technology Initiative, 2013-2014 ($23.1k)
- Sloan Research Fellowship, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, 2013-2016 ($50k)
- Global Seed Fund Award (with Iain Stewart, Andre Hoang, Gavin Salam), “Probing a New Energy Frontier with Jets at the Large Hadron Collider”, MIT International Science and Technology Initiative, 2012-2013 ($15k)
- Early Career Research Award, “Interpreting New Data from the Energy Frontier”, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, 2011-2016 ($750k)
- Cooperative Research Agreement, “Laboratory for Nuclear Science, High Energy Physics Program: Task C, Center for Theoretical Physics”, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, 2010-present
Ph.D. Thesis Committees
- Enrique Toloza, “Biophysical Specializations Supporting Efficiency and Flexibility in Neural Networks” (Mark Harnett & Mehran Kardar), in progress
- Ouail Kitouni, “Representations of Physics & Physics of Representations” (Mike Williams), August 2024
- Stella Schindler, “The Structure of Hadrons and Other Potential Phases of QCD” (Iain Stewart), August 2024
- Evgenii Kniazev, “Precision Metrology with Ytterbium Ions for New Physics Search” (Vladan Vuletic), June 2024
- Yitian Sun, “Illuminating the Nature of Dark Matter through Observation, Simulation and Machine Learning” (Tracy Slatyer), April 2024
- Cristian Zanoci, “Quantum Algorithms and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics in Disordered Many-Body Systems” (Mikhail Lukin & Aram W. Harrow), May 2023
- Eva Huang, “Systematic and Statistical Uncertainties in the Characterization of Gravitational-Wave Sources” (Salvatore Vitale), January 2023
- Gregory Ridgway, “Exotic Dark Matter in the Early Universe” (Tracy Slatyer), June 2022
- Patrick Fitzpatrick, “Initial Conditions for Cosmic Inflation, the History of the Dark Sector, and Dark-onium” (Tracy Slatyer & David Kaiser), July 2021
- Joseph Johnston, “Applications of Low Temperature Bolometers to Reactor Neutrinos and Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay” (Lindley Winslow & Joseph Formaggio), May 2021
- Chih-Liang Wu, “Probes of Dark Matter from the Universe’s Past and Present” (Tracy Slatyer), April 2021
- Constantin Weisser, “Search for Dark Photons at LHCb and Machine Learning in Particle Physics” (Mike Williams), March 2021
- J. Owen Andrews, “Illuminating Biomolecular Clustering and Condensation in Living Cells Using Super-Resolution Imaging” (Ibrahim Cisse), November 2020
- Gherardo Vita, “QCD Beyond Leading Power” (Iain Stewart), August 2020
- Jasmine Brewer, “Theory and Phenomenology of Heavy-Ion Collisions” (Krishna Rajagopal), July 2020
- Hongwan Liu, “Dark Matter Energy Deposition and Production from the Table-Top to the Cosmos” (Tracy Slatyer), May 2019
- Charles Epstein, “Møller Scattering at Low Energy” (Richard Milner), August 2018
- Nicholas Rodd, “Listening to the Universe through Indirect Detection” (Tracy Slatyer), April 2018
- David Hernandez, “Solving the N-body Problem in Astrophysics” (Edmund Bertschinger), April 2018
- Aram Apyan, “Search for Heavy Charged Higgs Bosons in Proton-Proton Collisions with the CMS Detector” (Markus Klute), November 2016
- Daniel Roberts, “CHAOS, Holography, And Other Science” (Allan Adams), April 2016
- Ian Moult, “Effective Field Theories for the LHC” (Iain Stewart), April 2016
- Daniel Kolodrubetz, “Accuracy and Precision in Collider Event Shapes” (Iain Stewart), April 2016
- Mingming Yang, “Observation and Property Measurement of a New Boson Decaying Into Two Photons Using the CMS Detector” (Christoph Paus), January 2015
- Shawn Henderson, “An Assessment of the Sensitivity of a Low Pressure Time Projection Chamber to the Direction of WIMP-Induced Nuclear Recoils” (Peter Fisher), July 2013
- Teng Ma, “Detailed Characterization of Jets in Heavy Ion Collisions Using Jet Fragmentation Functions” (Boleslaw Wyslouch), May 2013
- Kevin Sung, “Measurement of Z boson production at the LHC” (Steven Nahn), March 2013
- Christopher Jones, “Prediction of the Reactor Antineutrino Flux for the Double Chooz Experiment” (Janet Conrad), June 2012
- Riccardo Abbate, “Precision Determination of the Strong Coupling Constant using SCET” (Iain Stewart), May 2012
- Abolhassan Vaezi, “Slave Particle Study of the Strongly Correlated Hubbard Model” (Xiao-Gang Wen), January 2011
- Georgia Karagiorgi, “Searches for New Physics at MiniBooNE” (Janet Conrad), July 2010
Academic Advising
- MIT Physics Graduate Academic Advisor, Fall 2017-Present
- Anticipated Ph.D. 2029: Aneca Sun, Adam Wills
- Anticipated Ph.D. 2027: Alexander Schmidhuber, Manu Srivastava, Rachel Steinhorst
- Anticipated Ph.D. 2025: Ryan Abbott
- Ph.D. 2024: Bruno Scheihing Hitschfeld, Stella Schindler, Annie Wei
- Ph.D. 2023: Eric Anschuetz
- Ph.D. 2022: Gregory Ridgway, Samuel Leutheusser
- Ph.D. 2020: Jasmine Brewer
- MIT Physics Undergraduate Academic Advisor, Fall 2011-Present
- Class of 2024/2025: Omar Abdelghani, Nishant Dhankar, Chirag Falor, Gosha Geogdzhayeva, Lily Moseni, Dylan Raphael, David Suarez, Chris Viets
- Class of 2018/2019/2020: Robert Arnott, Zachary Bogorad, Hannah Field, Rodmy Paredes Alfaro, Saranesh Prembabu, Joshua Rhodes, Kevin Tang, Michael Winer
- Class of 2014/2015: Allison Christian, Jay Lawhorn, Joseph Perricone, Jeffrey Prouty, Melih Ucer, Pranjal Vachaspati, Prashanth Venkataram
- MIT First-Year Advisor, Fall 2019-Spring 2020
- Class of 2023: Richter Brzeski, Megha Maran, Catalina Monsalve Rodriguez, Dylan Weber
External Ph.D. Examiner
- Pim de Haan, “TBA” (Max Welling), U. Amsterdam, TBA
- Pedro Cal, “Jet Substructure at the LHC with Soft-Collinear Effective Theory” (Wouter Waalewijn), U. Amsterdam, September 2021
- Thea Aarrestad, “A Novel Multidimensional Search for Diboson Resonances in the Boosted Dijet Final State and Encoding Jet Substructure with a Deep Neural Network” (Ben Kilminster), U. Zurich, March 2019
- Ignacio Garcia Garcia, “Future Linear Colliders: Detector R&D, Jet Reconstruction, and Top Physics Potential” (Eduardo Ros & Marcel Vos), U. Valencia, December 2016
- Brian Walsh, “Search for direct top squark pair production in final states with one isolated lepton, jets, and missing transverse momentum in sqrt(s) = 7 TeV pp collisions using 4.7 fb-1 of ATLAS data” (Tobias Golling), Yale, February 2013
- Travis Martin, “Examining Extra Neutral Gauge Bosons in Non-Universal Models and Exploring the Phenomenology of the Bestest Little Higgs Model and the LHC” (Thomas Gregoire & Stephen Godfrey), Carleton U., August 2012
External Mentoring
- Ilias Cholis, PI Academy for Research and Engagement, Oakland U., Fall 2018-Fall 2019
Internal Service
MIT Faculty
- MIT Rapid Response Task Force on Large Scale Proposal Development, Summer 2024
- MIT Faculty Committee on Curricula, Fall 2017-Spring 2020
MIT Physics
- MIT Physics Council, Member at Large, Fall 2024-Spring 2025
- MIT Physics Ad Hoc Committee on Graduate Student Professional Development, Spring 2023
- MIT Physics Graduate Admissions Committee, Spring 2021, Spring 2024, Spring 2025
- MIT Physics Communic.8 Faculty Liaison, Fall 2020-Fall 2023
- MIT Physics Promotion Committee, Fall 2019; Chair: Fall 2020, Fall 2021, Fall 2022
- MIT Physics Pappalardo Fellowships Executive Committee, Fall 2016, Fall 2017
- MIT Physics Colloquium Committee, Spring 2010-Spring 2012; Chair: Fall 2012-Spring 2014
- MIT Physics Part II Qualifying Written Exam Committee, Spring 2012-Spring 2013; Chair: Fall 2013-Spring 2014
- MIT Physics Part II Qualifying Written Exam Grading Committee, September 2010, January 2020
MIT Laboratory for Nuclear Science
- MIT LNS Advisory Group, Fall 2017, Spring 2020-Spring 2024
- MIT LNS Colloquium Committee, Fall 2015-Spring 2017; Chair: Fall 2017-Spring 2018
MIT Center for Theoretical Physics
- MIT CTP Part III Oral Qualifying Exam Committee, Spring 2015-Spring 2017, Fall 2022-Spring 2023
- MIT CTP Faculty Mentor, Spring 2021-Present
- MIT CTP Faculty Search Committee, Fall 2017, Fall 2021, Fall 2023; Chair: Fall 2019
- MIT CTP Deputy Group Leader in High-Energy Physics, Spring 2020-Present
- MIT CTP Visitor Coordinator, Fall 2016-Present
- MIT CTP Nuclear/Particle Seminar Committee, Fall 2010-Fall 2016, Fall 2020-Spring 2021, Fall 2022-Spring 2024
- MIT CTP Postdoc Selection Committee, Fall 2009-Present
MIT Schwarzman College of Computing
- MIT SCOC Tayebati Postdoctoral Fellowship Selection, Spring 2025
MIT Statistics and Data Science Center
- MIT Physics, Statistics, and Data Science (PhysSDS) Committee, Co-Chair: Fall 2020-Present
MIT Social and Ethical Responsibilities of Computing
- MIT SERC Seed Grant Selection Committee, Spring 2024
MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- MIT EECS Junior Faculty Mentoring Committee, Spring 2024-Present
MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives
- MISTI Global Seed Funds Evaluation Committee, Fall 2012, Fall 2013, Fall 2014
Before MIT
- Berkeley CTP Particle Seminar Organizer, 2007-2009
- Miller Symposium Committee, 2008-2009
External Service
- Aspen Center for Physics (ACP)
- General Member, Summer 2020-Summer 2025
- Public Lectures Committee, Chair: Summer 2025
- Admissions Committee, Summer 2024
- Nominations Committee, Summer 2021; Chair: Summer 2022; Ex officio: Summer 2023
- Summer Program Committee, Summer 2020
- Conference Liaison, “Theoretical Physics for Machine Learning”, Winter 2023
- Workshop Organizer, “Interplay of Fundamental Physics and Machine Learning”, Summer 2022
- Workshop Organizer, “The LHC Awakens: A New Energy Frontier”, Summer 2016
- Workshop Organizer, “Year One of the LHC”, Summer 2011
- Conference Organizer, “New Data from the Energy Frontier”, Winter 2011
- American Physical Society (APS)
- Fellow, 2022-Present
- Sakurai Dissertation Award Selection Committee, Fall 2016; Vice Chair: Fall 2022; Chair: Fall 2023
- Member, 2002-Present
- High Energy Physics Advisory Panel (HEPAP)
- Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel (P5), December 2022-December 2023
- HEPAP Member (Second Term), April 2024-March 2027
- HEPAP Member, August 2021-March 2024
- HEPAP Presentation, “The NSF AI Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Interactions”, December 2020
- HEPAP Presentation, “The High Energy Physics Landscape in 2019”, May 2019
- Machine Learning for Jet Physics (ML4Jets)
- International Workshop on Boosted Object Phenomenology (BOOST)
- Advisory Committee and Ombuds Team (with Ayana Arce), “Boost 2022”, August 2022
- Advisory Committee and Ombuds Team (with Ayana Arce), “Boost 2021”, August 2021
- Advisory Committee and Ombuds Team (with Ayana Arce), “Boost 2020”, July 2020
- Local Organizing Committee, “Boost 2019”, July 2019
- Advisory Committee, “Boost 2018”, July 2018
- Advisory Committee, “Boost 2017”, July 2017
- Advisory Committee, “Boost 2016”, July 2016
- Advisory Committee, “Boost 2015”, August 2015
- Advisory Committee, “Boost 2014”, August 2014
- Advisory Committee, “Boost 2013”, August 2013
- Advisory Committee, “Boost 2012”, July 2012
- Advisory Committee, “Boost 2010”, June 2010
Advisory Boards
- Selection Committee, Margot and Tom Pritzker Prize for AI in Science Research Excellence, Pritzker Foundation, 2024
- International Scientific Advisory Board, AI for Science and Science for AI (AISSAI) Center, French CNRS, 2022-Present
- International Advisory Committee, Machine Learning Physics, JSPS/MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas, 2022-2026
- Science Advisory Board, USQCD Collaboration, Spring 2013-Fall 2016
- Fellowship Selection Committee, LHC Theory Initiative, Fall 2013-Fall 2014; Chair: Fall 2014
Additional Workshop/Conference Organization
- Scientific Committee, “PHYSTAT: Statistics Meets Machine Learning”, Imperial College London, September 2024
- Organizer, “TASI 2024: The Frontiers of Particle Theory”, CU Boulder, June 2024
- Topical Convener, “Collider Phenomenology”, Snowmass Theory Frontier, July 2021, July 2022
- Organizer, “Machine Learning at GGI”, Galileo Galilei Institute, August/September 2022
- Organizer, “CMS Open Data for Theorists”, Fermilab/Virtual, September 2020
- Advisory Committee, “Machine Learning for Particle Physics”, Mainz, May 2020 → June 2021
- Local Organizing Committee, “Rising Stars in Physics”, MIT, April 2018
- Jet Convener, “Physics at TeV Colliders”, Les Houches, June 2017
- Advisory Committee, “BLV 2017”, Cleveland, May 2017
- Scientific Organizing Committee, “Lattice for BSM Physics 2017”, Boston, April 2017
- Organizer, “Gearing up for LHC13”, Galileo Galilei Institute, Fall 2015
- Jet Convener, “Physics at TeV Colliders”, Les Houches, June 2015
- Organizer, “Boston Jet Physics”, Harvard/MIT, January 2014
- Conference Program Committee, “PANIC 2011: Particle and Nuclei International Conference”, Boston, July 2011
- Organizer, “Boston Jet Physics”, Harvard/MIT, January 2011
- Organizer, “Implications of First LHC Data”, MIT/Berkeley, August 2010
Journal Editing
- Editorial Board, Journal of High Energy Physics, Fall 2019-Present
- Editorial College, SciPost Physics, Fall 2019-Spring 2024
- Co-Topic Editor, “Efficient AI in Particle Physics and Astrophysics”, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, Spring 2022
Peer Review
- Physical Review Letters
- Journal of High Energy Physics
- Physical Review D
- SciPost Physics
- Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
- Physics of the Dark Universe
- Nuclear Physics B
- Physics Letters B
- European Physical Journal C
- Journal of Physics G
- Physics Reports
- Annals of Physics
- Particle Data Group
Funding Agency Review
- U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
- National Science Foundation (NSF)
- European Research Council (ERC)
- Heising-Simons Foundation
- Research Corporation for Science Advancement (Cottrell)
- The Royal Society
- Swiss National Science Foundation
- Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council of Canada
- Israel Science Foundation
- Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
- French National Research Agency
- Hungarian National Research, Development & Innovation Office
Public Engagement
- “Transcript of Physics, AI, and the Future of Discovery“ (with France Córdova, Walter Copan, Valerie Browning, and Evgeni Gousev), Physics Today 77(11):30 (2024)
- “Physics, AI, and the Future of Discovery“ (with France Córdova, Walter Copan, Valerie Browning, and Evgeni Gousev), AIP Foundation, April 2024
- “Talk at 1014: What are the Consequences of AI?“ (with Hendrik Strobelt and Renate Kurowski-Cardello), 1014 Inc., New York, March 2024
- “Predictably Uncertain: A Physicist’s Perspective on AI Policy“, Off the Record Foreign Policy Association Lecture, New York City Bar Association, March 2024
- “Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Interactions (IAIFI): Infusing physics intelligence into artificial intelligence“ (with Mike Williams and Marisa LaFleur), AI Magazine, February 2024
- “Deep Learning + Deep Thinking = Deeper Understanding“ (with Mike Williams), Physics@MIT Journal, Fall 2023
- “AI Institutes Hill Day“, National Science Foundation, September 2023
- “Expanding the Space of Machine Learning for Physics“, APS Topical Group on Data Science Newsletter, Winter 2023
- “Designing an AI Physicist“, Opinion Viewpoint, CERN Courier, September 2021
- “Collision Course: Artificial Intelligence meets Fundamental Physics“, Keynote Presentation, Tommy Flowers Network Conference, Virtual, October 2020
- “Listening for Dark Matter from the Basement of Building 24“ (with Lindley Winslow), Physics@MIT Journal, Fall 2019
- “Slow and Steady“ (with Matthew Strassler), Correspondence, Nature Physics 15:725 (2019)
- “Listening to the Invisible Universe“ (with A Far Cry), Open Rehearsal of Gravity, April 2019
- “Guest Case Study 6: Particle Collisions“ (with Felice Frankel), Picturing Science and Engineering, MIT Press, January 1970
- “The Future of Particle Physics is ‘Open’“, Guest Blog Post, The Cylindrical Onion, CMS Experiment, December 2017
- “Confronting the Invisible Universe“, MIT Club of Great Britain Event, London, May 2018
- “Confronting the Invisible Universe“, Public Talk, Aspen Center for Physics, March 2017
- “The Higgs Boson: Triumph of the Standard Model“, 24th Annual Kavli Frontiers of Science, National Academy of Sciences, U.C. Irvine, November 2012
- Appearance in Documentary Film, “Particle Fever”, 2013
- After film Q&A, BOOST 2015 Workshop Public Event, August 2015
- After film Q&A, MIT Lecture Series Committee, September 2014
- After film Q&A, Portsmouth Music Hall, May 2014
- TheoryNet, High School Physics Outreach
- Scott Goelzer, Coe-Brown Northwood Academy (Fall 2020-Spring 2021)
- Elaine Picard, Concord-Carlisle High School (Fall 2015-Spring 2016, Spring 2017, Spring 2020)
- Michael Wadness, Medford High School (Fall 2012-Spring 2015, Spring 2018, Spring 2022)
- Michael Hirsh, Needham High School (Spring 2010-Spring 2012)
- Additional Outreach
- Neil Basu, American School in London (May 2024)
- Hiroko Kaczmarek, Cambridge Rindge and Latin School (May 2021)
- High School Job Shadowing
- Audrey Grimes (York High School, December 2017)
- Cole Gilbert (Traip Academy, November 2017)
- Joshua Reynolds (York High School, April 2016)
- Edward Bengtson (York High School, April 2014)
Graphic Design
- Image Design (with Gavin Salam), Flavoured Jet Algorithms, Physical Review D, October 2023
- Banner Design, NSF AI Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Interactions, August 2020 (based on artwork by agsandrew -
- Logo Design, NSF AI Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Interactions, August 2020
- Logo Design, OmniFold, MIT, November 2019
- Poster Design (with bleeds), BOOST 2019 Workshop, MIT, July 2019
- Logo Design (Alt., A.), ABRACADABRA Experiment, MIT, August 2017
- Logo Design (Event Display), MIT Open Data, MIT, July 2015
- Logo Design, DarkLight Experiment, MIT, September 2010